Today is Live Music Therapy with Meditation Program @ Burlington City Hall ++ What is Ganesha Chaturthi?

Today is a special day! For once because on Ganesha Chaturthi  is celebrated the birth of Lord Ganesha when millions of people sing and meditate on Shri Ganesha - not only Hindus but also Buddhist and Jainists revere this extremely popular spiritual symbol as the remover of obstacles, supporter of fresh beginnings, and the patron of arts and sciences and the divine principle of  intellect, innocence and wisdom.In Sahaja Yoga Meditation we also embrace the universal truth and in perfect serendipity, on this day our team of volunteers will offer a Free Introduction to Meditation with Live Music Therapy to Burlington City…

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The Divine Mechanism and Chemistry of Subtle Energy (Find out Who was The First Deity and Why) In-Depth Lecture on Lord Ganesha – The Root Chakra’s Governor

Who was The First Deity?! The Deity of Principle! Let's learn about  the divine mechanism and the chemistry of subtle energy. We will also find out who was the first deity and why.  This discovery journey is offered by the subtle knowledge provided by Sahaja Yoga Meditation. We will actually dive into the pool of "nirmal vidya" offered by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. It's a lot to absorb so let's get ready! "The first deity that was created by the Adi Shakti ('the primordial power' in Sanskrit - considered to be a feminine entity /goddess) was Shri…

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About Shri Ganesha – connection to Sahaja Yogis via 1978 Letter from Yoga Teacher

   Translation of Shri Mataji's Marathi letter (Oct 1978)  sent to Sahaja Yogis with the ocassion of Navaratri celebration - explanations are below "To All Sahaja Yogis, Many blessings Today is the first day of Navaratri. Today your attention should be on Shri Ganesha. His devotion is infinite. He has never worshipped anybody else except Mother. Hence He is so great. "All other Gods appear very strong. Everyone has some specialty. What is Mother's speciality? Her ego (aham) is nowhere felt by others. Hence Shri Ganesha who has surrendered to such Mother, is so wise and venerable. Mother…

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