Awaken the Detached Yogi in Oakville – Wisdom and Photos

Part 2 of "The Journey Within" 2019 Program  dedicated to Navaratri Festival in Halton  " Only one technique I would prescribe for you .. is that you start with your Heart and end there only. It starts from your Heart, from your Atma (Spirit) and ends in your Atma. Just give up talking about it, just start feeling your Heart; just start feeling your Heart, opening it out --- not your mouth so much as your Heart."   (Lecture of Shri Mataji  in Lonavala, India, Jan 25, 1982)               On Friday, October 4,…

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Whiter Than Snow on February 23, 2011 – Silk Detachment Farewell Bow of our Mother Guru

".. on Guru Day, Mother would like to wear something of a lighter shade; White, the pure color of silk, complete detachment. But in white all the colors are mixed, then only it becomes white. Such a Balance and Unity it is. It should be that YOU should become White and Whiter than Snow." "DETACHMENT IS PURITY, IS INNOCENCE. INNOCENCE IS SUCH A LIGHT, LIGHT THAT REALLY BLINDS YOU TO ALL THAT IS FILTHY. You would not even know that a person has come with bad intentions. A person comes to you, comes to steal. You'll say,…

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