Woodstock welcomes Sahaja Yoga Meditation @ Oxford Auditorium (Health & Spiritual Wellness Fair)

 Sahaja Yoga provided chakra workshops during the entire event; a good omen was when a lovely lady (vendor at the fair), came by during the set-up of our booth, offering us four heart-shaped cushions to sit on during our meditation sessions. We had met wonderful people, many vendors were keen into spirituality and came to relax and for enlightenment to our booth; we had few persons that tried meditation with us in 2 consecutive workshops! others that stayed for 1 hour eager to learn more; many thought .. they cannot let go of  their thoughts and were surprised…

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Serene Letters and Video Testimonials from Elsie

Enjoy the Serene Letters and Video Testimonials from Elsie about "The Serene Gift of Peace and Meditation for Seniors in our Community" This Article is helping us to know the Seniors in our Community - that practice sahaja yoga meditation. Today it's all about Elsie: Enjoy discovering her! Elsie's Realization (click!) The Gift of Peace that Surpasses All Understanding              *********************** Snippets from Elsie's Letters Thank you dear for your e-mail.  I would be honored to have you post this,  I am slowly going through the rest of the e-mail and have just been reminded not to take…

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