Chakras’ Influence on Collectivity, Togetherness, Political and Social Problems

The Importance of Collectivity and Togetherness "We all have to be Together. Togetherness is to be felt." - Shri Mataji This article represents a study on Chakras' Wellbeing, Collectivity and Togetherness: proving their importance for individuals and society and how the lack of inner balance at the subtle level (within individuals) can create Political and Social Problems. There are excerpts from the talks of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation, compiled together, outlining the specific roles that various chakras play, as well their various combinations and interferences. Let's realize together Chakras' Influence…

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Find out What are Vibrations and What is ParamChaitanya in Wise Answers

Let's Find out What are Vibrations and What is 'Paramchaitanya': We will be sharing below a compilation of excerpts from Shri Mataji's Lectures: Vibrations as an instrument, a media by which we express the Ganesha Tattwa (the Eternal Child principle) ".. an instrument, a media by which we express the Ganesha Tattwa all over (Tattwa is Principle/Essence in Sanskrit) That is vibrations! So the vibrations about which you are asking, these vibrations themselves are nothing but the Principle of Shri Ganesha, his omkara. " Vibrations as the 'Vatsala' feeling, the distance between the Mother and the Child, in universal…

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What is God’s Realization with Buddha & Mahavira as Milestones & Incarnation of Seriousness @ Agnya Chakra

Read more about the article What is God’s Realization with Buddha & Mahavira as Milestones & Incarnation of Seriousness @ Agnya Chakra
The world's largest Buddha statue dwarfs a visitor to Leshan, China. The 231-foot-tall (83-meter-tall) Buddha was carved from a riverside cliff in the 8th century to safeguard boaters on the treacherous waters below.

God's Realization'  is the stage which, Gautam Buddha and Mahavira only had achieved and settled down in our brain. Christ is also here. These two (Buddha and Mahavira) are not incarnations. They are born as Human beings... They are the two milestones you have got, by which you can know to what height a human being can rise. Now today they are like incarnations. " The Days of Penance with Incarnations of Seriousness    "After Him (Jesus) came Mahavir and Buddha, who took an Incarnation of Seriousness. In this Seriousness, they spoke of oneness of the Spirit and the…

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Realize Complete Fitness with Sahaja Yoga Meditation – Shri Mataji’s Interview in CANADA ** What is Yoga ?

What is Yoga "really"?! What is Sahaja Yoga ?! From Patanjali to Modern Yoga  The Poster was chosen for this article to prepare you for soon to come Special Event in Halton with "Sahaj Valentine Day - Heart Chakra: Knowledge and Rhythm" where we'll learn and experience how the Heart chakra is responding to the beat of the African Drum and Indian Drum (Tabla) with our 2 Special Guests: Omar from Toronto and Ahilan from Oakville. Do not miss this event that will literally speak & sing to your Heart Chakra. Until we meet again, proceed further with…

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One Million Dollars Joy – for Free in Canadian Malls!

We still get that rush of a pleasant surprise when we discover life in the enclosed, man-made spaces - when we see a beautiful flower or even gardens that truly happen to flourish there. Sahaja Yoga is a system of Nature says its founder, Shri Mataji. And for those that experience the meditation with Sahaja Yoga system, this realization comes naturally:  this type of meditation really brings a natural communication, a  natural feeling of well-being - anywhere it is practised.  Sahaja Yoga expresses itself as a system that carries the (power of) Nature, the Life with it,…

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