International Women’s Day celebrated in Burlington – How Was it?! Enjoy Photos & Video with Ksenia’s Music!!

Special Event - Ode to Kundalini Shakti On March 10, in Burlington at Sahaja Yoga Meditation Class, we had spent an amazing time together: meditating, learning and singing songs (bhajans) dedicated to Kundalini Energy, also dancing (!), enjoying a potluck and sharing our experiences related to the feminine powers in our life. The highlight was definitely our special guest for that evening: Ksenia - a wonderful singer and sahaja yogini from Toronto - that was both singing and playing at Harmonium classical Indian music for us: bhajans and Ragas. Later that evening we had Ahilan joining Ksenia at Tabla, and one couldn't resist to…

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Special Event: “Ode to Kundalini Shakti with Bhajans, Meditation and Experiences” – on Wednesday, March 10 @ 7 PM

Celebrate International Women's DayLet's Realize and Recognize our Feminine Power from within! How ?! During a Special Sahaja Yoga Meditation Class dedicated to Kundalini Shakti (Power in Sanskrit) - the subtle energy that unconsciously was associated with Mother Mary - seen as the Mother of God, as a Virgin and as a Protective Queen, all in One.Definitely,the truth in this symbolism (born in the laic expression of Christianity) can be felt during the Sahaj meditation and its workshops. Through this form of meditation, while reciting mantras or expressing an open Heart chakra and  a pure and vibrant…

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Reporting from Sitar & Tabla Event -with Photos & Stories

Hema - Sitar We had a wonderful Evening @ Oakville Class on Friday, July 3 @ Glen Abbey Recreation centre. Our Special Guests did not only carry us to an elevated space with their music, but both Ahilan and Hema had the open hearts to offer us teaching elements - so very interesting! - about Sitar, Tabla and Classical Indian Music. We are looking forward to Enjoy these musicians again, this time the event will happen most probably in September during a Sahaja Yoga Meditation Class in Burlington @ Brant Hills Community Centre. I am inviting Hema…

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