Four Essential Q&A about Meditation and Spiritual Seeking

Question: Even though I meditate, thoughts come to my head, they just come all of a sudden and I know they're not part of me. Is there a method to control these thoughts even though we do meditate? Shri Mataji: See, you must raise your Kundalini. Try to raise it. Put your attention to your Sahasrara (crown chakra).  Say: 'Mother (Kundalini), come in my head. '  As soon as Kundalini crosses the Agnya (= Third Eye chakra) you cannot have those thoughts. You should follow this simple method also, that if you see any thought coming in,…

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Kids leading Morning Meditation with Mantras – Join OnLine AUDIO Sahaj Experiment

Letter from Sia (friend sahaja yogini and mom from UK): "My boys (both 4) and myself just sat down this afternoon and spontaneously recorded a little something for you. A short meditation that you and your kid might enjoy!!! The boys say the mantras and it has a bit of flute (actually recorder) in it too. The flute part is not purely Indian, but I had the sound of the Native American Flutes in my heart when playing. I just love the sound of them and still dream of - one day - getting a flute or…

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Morning Meditation with A Murmur of Starlings & Sea Rose: Contemplate & Listen!

Let's have this on-line morning meditation 'together'. We need to make sure that the speakers are ON for an Amazing Music (sahaja yogis are the musicians!), then we open our hands towards the screen and simply immerse in Meditation while we are listening to the beautiful music (sahaja yogis are singing!) .. and watching with patience & pure attention :-) how the Divine Hand is gently drawing on the Sky with collective movements of birds dancing together as One.  So beautifully captured on video!  Let's make sure we enjoy All that this article has to offer till…

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What is Thougthless Awareness? How important is for Meditation?

"So when you are thoughtless awareness, means when your brain is just in the state of witness you understand everything that is Divine. Unless and until you are thoughtlessly aware, you cannot grow, that is first thing. And secondly unless and until you are thoughtlessly aware you do not know the absolute truth. Through your brain only you will know – you don’t have to put your hands, you don’t have to ask questions, but its like a computer that works, just gives you an answer. In that state you are completely one with the Divine. And…

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One Million Dollars Joy – for Free in Canadian Malls!

We still get that rush of a pleasant surprise when we discover life in the enclosed, man-made spaces - when we see a beautiful flower or even gardens that truly happen to flourish there. Sahaja Yoga is a system of Nature says its founder, Shri Mataji. And for those that experience the meditation with Sahaja Yoga system, this realization comes naturally:  this type of meditation really brings a natural communication, a  natural feeling of well-being - anywhere it is practised.  Sahaja Yoga expresses itself as a system that carries the (power of) Nature, the Life with it,…

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Anandita: “Who is my Yoga Teacher?! How Powerful?!” – Miracle testimonial about Shri Mataji on Video!

Traditional Yoga Teacher - Student Relationship with Story shared spontaneously in Burlington and captured on Video - Enjoy! Before listening to Anandita's story (about her great lesson as a child artist and as a sahaja yoga early student), for those of us that are not having a traditional yoga-meditation background it is better to read the following quotes from the founder of sahaja yoga  meditation. Why? Because in the West we have quite a formal relationship between a teacher and a student, it's more an exchange of services: one will pay and the other one will deliver…

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