Look Up: Hamilton’s Billboards Invite You to Burlington’s “The Festival of New Beginnings”

Our Last Reminder to join us for "Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Day" Celebration in Burlington is coming from Above! Invite to our Free Burlington Community event: "The Festival of New Beginnings". Do not miss it! Make sure you know the Event is on Saturday, March 18th, from 1 to 3pm! More invitations were placed on your way, especially if you pass through Hamilton, you might have seen the invite on all its billboards! It was such a swift and effective labor of love from our local Halton/ Niagara Sahaja Yoga Team. Somehow, it felt that our genuine…

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Session 1 (Sept 7): Feedback from Sahaja Yoga Meditation and Chakra Workshop

Feedback from the 1st Sahaja Yoga Meditation and Chakra Workshop on Sept 7, 2022 Meditation altar - just before the class started We hope you'll enjoy this article as we've gathered together photos and impressions from our "Power Lies Within You" session that was offered on September 7th, 2022. There are also a few links and hints to "what else is there" in case you'd like to grasp more knowledge or explore more what our team has to offer!For the first class we gathered together 16 people, many we have not seen at all for the past…

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Feedback from Anduhyaun Aboriginal Shelter for Women and Children with THANK YOU LETTER for Sahaja Yoga

In January 2015 we had been contacted by Anduhyaun Aboriginal Shelter for Women and Children to provide bi-weekly sahaja yoga meditation classes. Anduhyaun  means "Our Home" in Ojibwe language and this opened our hearts right away! Since March 5th 2015, we've embarked on a wonderful journey and with each class both  our volunteer instructors, as well Anduhyaun' participants had experienced inner growth and connection. We are looking forward to deepen our on-going collaboration , gratefully thanking to Jannies and Grace from Anduhyaun for their Appreciation Letter (copied further below). This Article is dedicated to everyone in "Our Home…

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What is the Mechanism built within as The Pathway of Ascent for Pure Energy ? (video-lecture) Advices for Germans from Shri Mataji and Khalil Gibran

Infinite Column by Constantin Brancusi - Romanian sculptor What is the Mechanism built within as The Pathway of Ascent for Pure Energy ? Let's feel (experiment!) and understand the mechanism built within of our subtle system of chakras that allows yogis to Realize that "We are One". That represents the pathways of ascent for pure energy. Explore and Enjoy! (video - transcribed) "Feeling the Oneness - Awakening of Kundalini"  (music-video-community work) (click!) Sam's Slideshow: "We are One -Living in the moment!" - 8 Years of Free (Sahaja) Yoga Meditation in Halton Posted b, 2013 | 19 |…

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Sunday, September 21: “Be Happy with YourSelf” – Join & Experience the International Day of Peace with Paul & Colleen from AUSTRALIA (video)

 (18 min video) Colleen and Paul - Interviewed @ JOY's WORLD SHOW    (TVS Sydney, Australia -  live experience of meditation with Affirmations) Let's ensure that We all meditate that day, on September 21 - Morning and Evening; See below Why & How(click!) How to Meditate in the Morning with A Murmur of Starlings & Sea Rose: Contemplate & Listen!Posted | 22 | 39,354 views(click!) How to Meditate in the Evening? Evening Meditation Exercise & Experience with Planet Earth’s Images from Space & Surrender & Devotion to Reach the Depth & the Ascent in YogaPosted  | 13 |…

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