Guess WHO are the LEADERS of Tomorrow?

Painting showing the Archetypes and the Primordial Gurus having the attention on Earth and discussing Who are the Leaders of Tomorrow On June 1st, 2014 - Ontario sahaja yoga meditation had celebrated the International Children's Day by offering a pilot program in Etobicoke's City Hall for a group of children, parents, teens and young adults interested to come together for meditation, play, fun and ultimately - for a strong connection with each other and with the world we are living in. Below are gathered together in a colorful bouquet of sound, image, joy, wisdom and innocence: feedback,…

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(Come on June 1st) Amazing Free Program for Parents & Children: Meditation, Creativity & Playful Chakra workshop (CELEBRATE International Children Day)

On June 1st 2014 everyone that brings a child is invited to join us for this special event. Stay tuned for more details! No registration is required. Send any inquiry to [email protected] Check other recent programs for Children and Parents (FRESH VIDEO!) Free Yoga Meditation Classes for Children and Parents: COOL KIDS @ Lawfield School(click!) Sahaja Yoga Meditation for Children & Parents receives a Thank you Letter from Girl Guides of Canada @ Earth Day 2014

Continue Reading(Come on June 1st) Amazing Free Program for Parents & Children: Meditation, Creativity & Playful Chakra workshop (CELEBRATE International Children Day)

(New VIDEO!) Free Yoga Meditation Classes for Children and Parents in HALTON/HAMILTON: COOL KIDS @ Lawfield School on TUESDAYS @ 7PM)

(WATCH) VIDEO by SHULIN - "Life De-Stress Program for Youth with Sahaja Yoga Meditation"(click!) Cool Kids on Earth Day 2014 @ Girl Guides of Canada (THANK YOU LETTER)(Photos) Children LOVE to MEDITATE @ Halton Eco Festival in Oakville(VIDEO) “Inner Peace with Sahaja Yoga Meditation” @ Dr. Frank J. Hayden Secondary School’s “Multicultural Week”

Continue Reading(New VIDEO!) Free Yoga Meditation Classes for Children and Parents in HALTON/HAMILTON: COOL KIDS @ Lawfield School on TUESDAYS @ 7PM)