Why do we shout in Anger ?

This is an anonymous piece of wisdom in the form of a moral story about anger. I thank my dear yogi brother from India, Rabi for sharing it with me on a 'Sahaj Guru Day', few years back. Ever since I wanted to share it with you all. Let's Enjoy, Listen and Follow this Wise Advice from a Guru that seems to be a Realized  and motherly one, thus, a 'sahaj one' :-)   "Why do we shout in ANGER"? What about LOVE?! A Guru asked his followers, "Why do we shout in anger? Why do people…

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Einstein’s Puzzle: “How to Repair the World?!” – Sweet Story with ‘Handy Solution’

Albert Einstein and Sahaja Yogis are like Scientists Children in Pursuit of Truth & Beauty 'Study and, in general the pursuit of Truth and Beauty is a Sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all of our lives.' 'If I had an hour to save the world I would spend 59 minutes defining the problem and one minute finding solutions'. The  above 2 quotes belong to  Albert Einstein and I feel they represent a good introduction to the  Story below that is so purely Sahaj in its essence - for this reason I…

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