We were told by a dear friend (Ayesha from Milton-Mississauga class) that Brussels is such a beautiful village, people are so nice and nature is awesome, so why not starting there a sahaja yoga meditation class?!
Spontaneously, we’ve felt “let’s go and do it” – specially after (click!) Sahaj Guru Game 🙂 – as we were so keen to experience somewhere closer to Mother Nature, this Spontaneous meditation, chakra workshops and other techniques of cleansing our inner energy centres.. so why not in places we’ve never been before?! So, we’ve arrived there in 1 car from Halton (6 of us: Abi, Anca, Indu, Perviz, Nari and Ioana) ..and Ayesha was waiting for us in Brussels. We have thank Nari who was so patient with all of us, he drove us everywhere our hearts wanted and he is the one behind all the memorable pictures of this post. Brussels is a very beautiful village.. so green around .. while history looks still fresh and colorful through its old but well preserved buildings. The hall we’ve rented for the meditation sessions was simple yet cozy and it even had a piano! Soon we were joined by Shtovba family ( Heidi and Andriy and their wonderful 3 children). They waited for so long to have a meditation centre opened in their region .. and now hopefully they’ll have it “down the road”, just 15-2o min away .. We had no idea that they live so close to
Brussels.. and they were so pleasantly surprised that our little “yoga expedition” is about “their” Brussels in Huron region.
We had a lovely class where we first started by getting to know each other: “locals” and “visitors” by sharing our “personal stories”. Then we’ve dived into a detailed presentation of what Sahaja Yoga Meditation is, we’ve continued with a meditation exercise, followed by a chakra workshop and free discussions.
Enjoy below what was shared with us as feedback from the local participants about this first experiment in Brussels with Spontaneous Meditation (Sahaja Yoga meditation):
– “extremely wonderful, peaceful feeling and I want more” (Valerie)
– “so relaxed, I felt like melting on the floor, peaceful
– “very relaxing, feel energized, like connected to a source of power”
– “relaxing, some tingling, attained some sense of coolness”.
We were requested to provide some basic information as soon as possible because the desire was strong to “start right away” with this meditation practice at home;
The chakra
workshop experience was powerful for everyone. There were few interesting moments: one lady from Brussels, right after entering the room, went straight to our friend Indu and she hugged her, saying that she feels that she knows Indu since forever, later on Indu confessed to us that the feeling was mutual; an interesting coincidence was that a gentleman from there was sharing with us that he grew up in Burlington (!).
After the class we felt hungry and had our lunch at Ayesha’s family restaurant and had our siesta on “4 wheels” with our 3 cars convoy heading towards Goderich and lake Huron. That was such a treat! We enjoyed some outdoors chakra cleansing with Mother Nature’s powers, soaked in the lake, walked on the beaches .. spent wonderful time . Andriyi and Ayesha were singing for us wonderful songs and awakening mantras in Arabic (!).. we had an amazing day and sky and we felt truly pampered by a divine hand that was taking care of everything for us, in detail.You can see some from our group in the photo below,taken when we finally reached lake Huron and rushed into it 🙂 – the weather was so beautiful, the beaches and the water were so welcoming and the sky was like a see embracing us from above.Ayesha from Brussels had sent us the following message: “Hi ..I just came back from Brussels and still feeling the really Sahaj fun time together yesterday in Brussels and at lake Huron , the foot-soak was wonderful and i felt that my kundalini energy is rising in me giving me energy and enlightenment and when i felt so much joy i surrendered and felt thankful. All day with all of you,Abi,Indu,Anca,Perviz & Nari,and Heidi&Andre’s family gives me joy and fulfillment inside me,I hope we all pray for the people of this region and divine will help us. Ayesha”
What’s next ?! The follow-up with the ones interested to try and experience sahaja yoga meditation in Brussels.
Where: Brussels Library (downstairs room)When: On Saturday, August 6thTime: 11:30AM -12:30PMAddress: 390 Turnberry St, Brussels, ON N0G 1H0Something more: we’ll go to lake Huron again, this time not only for footsoak and other chakra cleansing treatments (even though we are looking fwd to experience them in nature!), but also we are going to enjoy the Celtic Music Festival in Goderich!!
Join us if you want for Saturday, August 6th! For the whole day we want to be “Hurons” .. for a change! Plus, it is so joyful to pass it on, like a bouquet of bright yellow roses, our Love for Meditation and Yoga-Connection nurtured by Shri Mataji’s awakening message about ” The Blossoming Time” that is happening nowadays, everywhere.
Let’s remember that Sahaja Yoga meditation is the knowledge of the Roots… so we cannot miss this festival:
Amazing vibrations from these shared experiences! You are all soldiers of the higher love.