Kids leading Morning Meditation with Mantras – Join OnLine AUDIO Sahaj Experiment

Letter from Sia (friend sahaja yogini and mom from UK): "My boys (both 4) and myself just sat down this afternoon and spontaneously recorded a little something for you. A short meditation that you and your kid might enjoy!!! The boys say the mantras and it has a bit of flute (actually recorder) in it too. The flute part is not purely Indian, but I had the sound of the Native American Flutes in my heart when playing. I just love the sound of them and still dream of - one day - getting a flute or…

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Visit us @ Halton Eco Festival 2010 in Oakville!! Our Musicians have 2 Performances!!

Sahaja Yoga Meditation - A Health & Wellness Exhibitor that is offering 2 Musical Performances & Workshops at this Event: Please, visit our Booth for Free Meditation & Chakra Workshops  and get a chance to chat with our awesome sahaja yoga instructors. For 3 years in a row Sahaja Yoga meditation is taking an active part to this wonderful local eco initiative.  Good News: we also have 2 Music mini-concerts & music workshops on Sunday, April 18 with Nirananda Band (translated from Sanskrit: Pure Joy)  that will perform a colorful and meaningful variety of Indian Classical Music styles: Bhajans, Kawali and Ragaas. Everyone will…

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Aum, Ham & Ksham – Mantras for Fearful or Aggresive Minds with Chakra’s Evolutionary Theory from Ganesha to Jesus

"And it is the most important incarnation (Lord Jesus) because he is The Principle. He is the Principle of Creation. The Tattwa /Principle as they call it in Sanskrit language. He is the Tattwa. ... is the Support of all the Universe. And because he is just the essence, the essence never dies." (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Caxton Hall, Londra, UK, 1978 ) "Ganesha, who resides in the Mooladhara (1st chakra) gradually evolves to be Christ at this stage." " From that Red chakra (1st one, called the Root chakra or Mooladhara Chakra)...." "..up to this chakra…

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What is Thougthless Awareness? How important is for Meditation?

"So when you are thoughtless awareness, means when your brain is just in the state of witness you understand everything that is Divine. Unless and until you are thoughtlessly aware, you cannot grow, that is first thing. And secondly unless and until you are thoughtlessly aware you do not know the absolute truth. Through your brain only you will know – you don’t have to put your hands, you don’t have to ask questions, but its like a computer that works, just gives you an answer. In that state you are completely one with the Divine. And…

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Falling at the Feet of Her Love – dedication to my Yoga Teacher’s Birthday, with her own Words of Wisdom

"I was folding my hands before you because I knew it would little bit upset you, so I was just keeping it there, that your Mind should not be disturbed so much. In my palms, you see, very carefully I was catching your Heart to keep it there, so that you should not feel hurt. Because it was not harsh, but it was truth which was harsh. But still, in my palms I was holding it, carefully, so that you should not feel hurt about it . Twenty-four hours are not sufficient for me to love people.…

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Sahaj Values as Benefits and Responsibilities

Discover why one can perceive the Sahaj Values as Benefits and Responsibilities Let's go through this quote from our Sahaja Yoga Master - Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation. You can feel guided through the various layers of the 'sahaj values' or ideals and in the same time absorb their meaning and potency when applied in our daily lives. Let's learn, apply and enjoy the loving wisdom from Shri Mataji! "Sahaja Yoga is a very big subject.... This is the one by which you get your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual integration because…

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