Who is William Blake? Artist? Prophet? Archetype? Sahaja Yoga Answers in Three Videos and Quotes with Subtle Knowledge

He was an incarnation of Bhairavanath, that is whom you call Saint (Archangel) Michael, or Saint George who is as you know the Saint Angel of England. That is why he had to incarnate and for him this was his role to talk about Divine in an open fearless manner. He had to use symbolic language.

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Happy Easter with The Strength of The Lamb’s Love & Songs of Innocence: William Blake, Bach, Handel & Mozart!

**** HAPPY EASTER *FROHE OSTERN **** *** JOYEUSES PÂQUES * BUONA PASQUA *** The Enlightened Brain as The Lamb connected to The Shepherd "As it is the brain which is enlightened, which is connected with this all-pervading power,whatever you are doing, whatever your ideas are, being absolutely enlightened means that you achieve them. Enlightened brain whatever it thinks, it is thinking as well as achieving, both together. It’s a thing to be understood: that an enlightened person has the power to achieve anything. But at the same time, his desires should be divine.That what is said that…

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What is a Seer?

Answers:'Seer has double meaning:  the one who sees only, just sees and he is only knowledge, he is a Seer. Without any thought, without any reaction, just sees and absorbs automatically, spontaneously, he is the Seer. ' (Shri Mataji - Lecture 1983, Paris, France)'Seer .. is above the normal mundane people and sees the things in a proper perspective and delivers the proper understanding of this perspective he sees..'  (Shri Mataji - Talk about Creativity and Second Chakra, Italy,1989)Where & How & Examples'The climate has affected the seeking in people; in India the temperature is good for…

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