Letter from You: Sonia’s Sahaja Yoga Meditation (Healing) Experience

Letter from Sonia: Sahajayoga Experience @ Burlington ClassApril 10 2013I am still fairly new to Sahajayoga, as I started coming at the end of January, but I can honestly say that this has already been a life altering experience for me.Since following the path that lead me here I have had so many wonderful experiences, but the one I had last night was so beautiful and powerful.Before arriving I was not feeling well, I have been suffering with horrible pain in my neck and shoulder for 5 days. I almost drove straight home from work, but felt…

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Carta Tuya: Experiencia (Curativa) De Sonia Durante Una Meditación De Sahaja Yoga

Carta de Sonia: Experiencia Sahaja Yoga @ Clase En Burlington  10 de Abril de 2013 Todavía soy bastante nueva en Sahaja Yoga, ya que comencé a llegar a fines de enero, pero honestamente puedo decir que esto ha sido una experiencia que ya me cambió la vida. Desde que seguí el camino que me condujo hasta aquí, he tenido muchas experiencias maravillosas, pero la que tuve anoche fue tan hermosa y poderosa. Antes de llegar no me sentía bien, he estado sufriendo de un dolor horrible en el cuello y el hombro durante 5 días. Casi conduje…

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How to Meditate ?! Just “Tell Him” (Music VIDEO – Lauryn Hill & Yoann Freget @ Trane Studio)

Let's open our hands towards the screen  ..  absorbing the Vibrations .. turn ON the speakers .. Listen & Feel .. singing-telling Him .. and feeling the Creator .. in the form of Music... answering .. transmitting .. Meditation will happen spontaneously = sahaj ... Now, simply let's remain more in meditation, opening the heart to Him .. as Nature... feeling it?! "Yes, Meditation .. can be as simple as that .. Sahaj " .. Omar & Yoann are sharing with us .. Thank you Omar .. Thank you Yoann .. you are both blessed with the…

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Swan Lake Video & How to Meditate and Why with Yoga Master’s Photo, Why Foot-soaking is Important in Clearing the Chakras – Useful Tips & Answers

Water for Simple Chakra Cleansing Technique:  "The Foot-Soak" - Restoring Balance & Purity in our Subtle Energy System "As it is said, everyone must go to bathroom and clean oneself after getting up in the morning. Similarly, for Sahaja Yogis, it is extremely necessary to have foot-soaking treatment, at least for five minutes, before going to bed. However highly evolved you may be :-) .. it does not matter. You must do foot-soaking for at least five minutes. Even I take this treatment sometimes, although it is not necessary for me, so that my Sahaja Yogis will…

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