VIDEO & Photos from Hamilton: Yoann’s Gospel Concert @ The Staircase Theatre in Hamilton

VIDEO - Let it Shine!! Gospel Yoann Freget & Omar Davis (guitar) VIDEO - "Hold My Hand, Lord!" Gospel Yoann Freget & Omar Davis Waiting for YOUR Feedback!! :-) Enjoy other Hamilton Programs VIDEO:  The Best Rendition of 'Imagine' by John Lennon with Yoann @ The Staircase Cafe Anandita's SHOW@ The Staircase Yoga Studio "When The Rhythm becomes Meditation" Hamilton's Festival of Friends & Who is the Greatest Friend?!

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Morning Meditation with A Murmur of Starlings & Sea Rose: Contemplate & Listen!

Let's have this on-line morning meditation 'together'. We need to make sure that the speakers are ON for an Amazing Music (sahaja yogis are the musicians!), then we open our hands towards the screen and simply immerse in Meditation while we are listening to the beautiful music (sahaja yogis are singing!) .. and watching with patience & pure attention :-) how the Divine Hand is gently drawing on the Sky with collective movements of birds dancing together as One.  So beautifully captured on video!  Let's make sure we enjoy All that this article has to offer till…

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What is Kundalini? Answer with Miracle Photos & Numerology Info (HOW TO Establish my Self Realization?!)

Kundalini as Strands of Energy /Spiral Rope piercing through the top of the head Sahasrara chakra "Now, this Kundalini is the Primordial Power which is reflected within you.. And within you, in a human being, it is like many strands of energy. So it’s like a rope and these energies are all twisted together to form this Kundalini. In a human being these strands are 3 into 7 — that is 21— raised to power 108. But when your Kundalini rises, one or two strands out of this come up and pierce the fontanel bone area (at…

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Be a Better Human Being in No Time! – Cool Breeze from Jayanthi

My name is Jayanthi and I work at the library, one day when I was passing by our bulletin board I noticed that some one posted Shri Mataji's poster with a beautiful blue picture. One of my colleagues asked me who the lady in the picture was. I couldn't answer but it motivated me to go to the class to find out more, so without a clue I went to the Oakville class! In the first class itself  I noticed that certain things happened within me without my effort, one thing for sure was this Cool Breeze…

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