Carol – My Experience with Root Chakra Meditation

My Experience with Root Chakra Meditation   "Hello Ioana!   You asked me to write down my Four Experiences with Mooladhara Meditation  - my journey with the "Sahaj Guru Game" we've started earlier this year.   Here they are:   1.First meditation:   'I saw an Orb moving up all my Chakra out into the universe, a brilliant white Light appeared  that  opened up like a curtain, then I saw a beautiful Ocean and  trees. Cold feeling going through my left side of the hip (Left Swadhisthana chakra area). Message was: 'Pure Love, Joy and Laughter; Feeling…

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Sahaja Yoga Meditation: A Featured Exhibitor @ 13th FREE Annual Halton Eco-Festival (Sat, April 6, 2013)

The above represents the customized poster that we had received by surprise from the Eco Festival's show manager, Oakville Community Centre for Peace, Ecology and Human Rights. Thank you Stephen! Indeed, Sahaja Yoga Meditation had been a proud exhibitor for several years in a row already, to this beautiful and much needed community event in Halton region. Enjoy (click on) some of our "memories" = experiences & photo-albums collected from the previous years. WATCH Faina's LIVE Testimonial on Sahaja Yoga Meditation from Halton Eco-Festival (2011) (2012) Children Love to Meditate in Halton (Photo-Album)  (2011) Photos & Experiences: Students & Seniors!   (2010)  Yogis Singing-Performing@…

Continue ReadingSahaja Yoga Meditation: A Featured Exhibitor @ 13th FREE Annual Halton Eco-Festival (Sat, April 6, 2013)