(Photos) Spring Fling @ Niagara College with Sahaja Yoga & Students (Meditation Yoga for Exam Destress)
Our day in Niagara Falls the Sahaj way!Ioana's recollection: We were invited by the Students (director of programs) from Niagara College to come during their Spring Fling and offer meditation yoga. Our team comprised 4 sahaja yoga meditation instructors: Isabelle, Indu, Sahaj and Ioana as well 3 newer team members from Burlington (Colleen) and St Catharines (Ray and Olga) weekly classes.That day the knowledgeable meterologists had announced rain and cloudy all day. Hmmm.. sahaja yogis are known to break the man-made weather rules and expectations, so, precisely during the Spring Fling event, the sun was shining gloriously…