My First Ever Sahaja Yoga WEEKEND Meditation Seminar ****

My First Ever Sahaja Yoga WEEKEND Meditation SeminarLetter from Miranda (Barrie Class)"Two weeks ago I was welcomed by the Halton/Niagara Yogis to take part in a seminar. This was my first chance to go past the time limited meditation classes and learn more about Sahaja and what it means for me.  It was an absolutely amazing experience, and difficult to describe. I will, however, do my best! Being part of a collective group of yogis immediately put my heart at ease. I was able to, for the first time in my life, meet with a group of people and…

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Feedback#1 "The World Inner Peace Day in BARRIE"  Miranda from Barrie class had started exploring the larger community of yogis and meditators in Ontario. When she joined the Special Valentine's class in Burlington, as well our Halton-Niagara Seminar in February in Niagara Falls, she brought with her beautiful crochet (such as in the image above) hearts and flowers that melt our hearts into cool vibrations! This March I received this photograph from Austria where yogis at a seminar created these flowers, while meditating on their feelings of love and gratitude for the founder of sahaja yoga meditation…

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Barrie Celebrates The World Inner Peace Day on Sunday, March 23 @ Public Library

Join us on Sunday, March 23rd at Barrie's Public Library! Address:  60 Wesley Str, Barrie, Ontario Time: 2Pm-3:30Pm Live Music is also expected to be performed by visiting yogi artists from Ontario! Enjoy the Amazing Testimonials from Barrie Classes (click!) Miranda’s Testimonial from Barrie on"This Amazing Experience and Feeling" & Snapshot from The Free Press Journal  (click!)  VIDEO with Hoping Yogis from Thanksgiving Seminar (click!) Great feedback from Barrie Class (meetup!)

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