My First Ever Sahaja Yoga WEEKEND Meditation Seminar
Letter from Miranda (Barrie Class)
“Two weeks ago I was welcomed by the Halton/Niagara Yogis to take part in a seminar. This was my first chance to go past the time limited meditation classes and learn more about Sahaja and what it means for me.It was an absolutely amazing experience, and difficult to describe. I will, however, do my best!Being part of a collective group of yogis immediately put my heart at ease. I was able to, for the first time in my life, meet with a group of people and skip the awkward first-meeting, small-talk phase (something I’ve never been comfortable with). Instead I was able to connect on a deeper, heartfelt level. I was able to open up and be completely myself, without being worried about being judged or misunderstood. I spoke straight from the heart, and was answered from others’ hearts as well. Sharing such a special part of me – my passions, interests, hopes and dreams had a completely transformational effect on me. I was able to learn and develop my spirituality without sorting through the layers of obstacles usually created by my thoughts and conditioning. I felt my spirit connect and become one with those around me.In the seminar we spoke about the benefits of Sahaja, watching a video on the effects meditation has on a physical level. We also had a chance to practice (and in my case learn) doing workshops on others. For the first time I was able to tap into collective subtle systems, which makes me very excited. I’ve always felt a need to be more closely/deeply connected to others and to help others at a general level. Being able to strengthen my energy and awareness, I feel much more prepared to be able to do this.My inner light has been slowly growing over the past months and this weekend allowed it to truly shine. When I look in the mirror now, I can see this light coming from within. It has been a beautiful and joyful experience.Being around other yogis, I was able to see parts of me clearly that I have either missed or been afraid to notice until now. I can feel the innocence, the wisdom and the peaceful joy that is part of my core, my very being. I feel a gentleness, a peaceful presence within and around me that is making my life much clearer, more balanced and much easier to flow through.The most difficult aspect of this new experience is listening to the voice inside me, reminding me to be patient and to allow the Kundalini, the love, to work on its own timeline, to grow roots and grow slowly enough so that it will have the strength and stamina to keep steady throughout my daily life.I have many dreams and hopes for the Barrie area, where I live, and am looking forward to seeing them all realized!!All my love, wishes and gratitude go towards those I had the pleasure to meet over the weekend, and to those yet to be met!Yours in heart, Miranda“
Around Thanksgiving there is a Weekend Sahaja Yoga Seminar (Ontario level!) at Couchiching Camp. Register at your classes!
Collection of related links-articles
(click!) Photos from International Meditation Retreat/Seminar on Native Indian Land (Canajoharie,USA, 2013)
(click!) Barrie’s Thanksgiving 2013 Yoga Seminar
(click!) Shivaratri Seminar – 2012(PHOTOS, INVOCATIONS, PRAYERS, STORY)
Such profound touching words by Miranda! We feel so blessed to have her growing with us through spirit!!!
I’m touched! Yes that’s the beautiful and joyful world of Sahaja Yoga as envisioned by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. Thank you Miranda for sharing your feelings in those beautiful words.
Just like Miranda, so many deep and compassionate souls appearing all over the world, show how beautifully and completely Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has accomplished Her work.
Miranda you have touched my heart very very deeply!
welcome we are happy that you are experiencing the all divine within you with the help of Shree Mataji. it would be lovely if you could become a facilitator and share the joy with others. In Malaysia Kuala lumpur we are reaching to many schools, kinder-gardens and refugee center and we have noticed positive results in their character and examination results. MATAJIS VISION IS OUR MISSION.
So glad to hear about your inner peace workshops. Check here also some of what we do for schools/kindergarten, enjoy:
I am so glad that Miranda can make it as well to the Ontario level sahaja yoga seminar – 3 days @ Lake Couchiching!! Canoeing, hiking, clearing the subtle system, going deeper in meditation with hundreds other meditators and ‘yogi’ aspirants. 🙂 A real Thanksgiving yoga meditation retreat. Everyone, get ready, we will also have a 3 hrs cozy potluck-seminar in Barrie in 2 weeks from now. In October we start planning to have 1 day seminar for Halton-Niagara. Only those that meditate regularly will be invited .. so, start ‘now’:-)
Dear readers, I just want to share the kind and sahaja gesture of Miranda’s. I have never met her. Only heard or read about her through this website and I am sure she has learned about me and the birth of our two little baby yoginis n (Abigail and Sophie – now 10 months old) through common friends/sisters. She send such beautiful hand knitted bibs for the twinnies and it was very touching to receive these gifts. I would love to post a picture of the twinnies on this blog for everyone to see. just not sure how.
Thank you Miranda for those bibs and for y our testimony. I really do pray that you are instrumental in manifesting the vision you have for Barrie. And am go glad you can make it to the seminar in camp couchiching. Wish you many many many peaceful meditations and inner discovery of the real you.
Miranda your honesty is deeply refreshing and your testimony is so heartfelt. We have all come by this incredible path seemingly happenstance.
But we know better now… that this is the path to feeling better, less mind-cluttered, and more joy through this new sense known as “vibrational awareness.” It’s like we take our gut intuition and magnify it to attract happy experiences and collectivity. We experience a joy that is achievable and worth every moment spent in thoughtless awareness. Your enthusiasm is contagious and I have really enjoyed your presence and your efforts to go deeper for your higher self, and also your desire to spread this light to everyone.
Isn’t it amazing how we have so many stories amongst us that are truly transformational? And we learn to do this with the pure teachings rooted in truth provided through Sahaja Yoga knowledge. Just a few of us getting together can share dozens of stories that are proof that it works so beautifully to rid us of what we perceive as the problems and to help us help others to feel this amazing energy as you say, on kundalini’s timeline.
We don’t have to painfully dig into problems to solve them. We use the techniques to acquire the quality of detachment…we have learned to rise above them, cope with them and let them ultimately be solved by the divine. The awakening of kundalini energy does this for us! We only need the desire! We do this by first, diving into the ocean of joy. Feeling joy is a a pretty great indication that we are on the right path. Very proud of you!
I also have a desire to spread Sahaja Yoga in the Barrie area and reach out somehow to many airline personnel that reside there. They are in the thousands, referring to Barrie as Terminal 4. Everyone can benefit and cure just by attending a free class anywhere in the world. Inner peace is achievable and without a doubt can bring world peace.
An amazing letter. I have had the pleasure of meeting Miranda, I remember being at at seminar at her place in Barrie, it was amazing as they always are.