Easy to be an Angel? Difficult to maintain it? – Then call in the Guru Principle!

"..As you are all Realised Souls ( having Kundalini energy  awakened) and as I have told you, you are all Angels, but if you do not establish your Guru Principle, you know of angels how they have fallen down and gone forever.. So be careful, it's easy to be an Angel but difficult to maintain it. :-) It is difficult to be the Gods and Goddesses (the divine principles that govern the sublte energy centers within us that are called chakras), but easy to maintain it. :-) "Shri Mataji's "Advises on Angels and Gods" in Italy, 1989

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Ann’s Invitation to a New Birth on Canada Day – NO Blank Day on Canada Day!

CANADA DAY IN BURLINGTON IS STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL and ANN'S SAHAJ ANNIVERSARY! Let's listen to Ann's very special Canada Day Story that has a heartfelt invitation to all Seekers of Truth. Enjoy! "It was with joy in my heart I joined our Halton family at the Strawberry Festival in 2009." . "Everyone was smiling with such sweetness and the vibrations were dancing everywhere to all who came to the festival. The Strawberry Festival - held yearly at Joseph Brant Museum - has a special place in my journey with my beautiful Sahaja family. Three years before, in 2006,…

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Paula – Discovering a true source of conflict resolution – Abraham Lincoln is right! – Part 5

The Truthful Perspective can only be seen in the Present I had always heard that reacting was never a solution. This was the first of many proofs that meditation had evolved my personality and my awareness to a new level. It has been my ego (worries and thoughts about the future, overthinking) and super-ego (thoughts about the past, baggage, conditionings) that were creating reaction. A pure and truthful perspective can only be seen in the Present. The impure, untrue, negative thoughts have to be cleared and forgiven daily to make room for a clear, uncluttered perspective of…

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EVENT on July 29: Ana Luiza Torres from Brazil – Kuchipudi Dance & Meditation

Ana Luiza Torres has launched her North-American tour and is invited for 1 week to Canada. One of her few Canadian performances will be in Burlington. Note:  Kuchipudi Dance is a form of Classical Indian Dance that is internationally recognized as being very rich in expression; each detail counts and the movements have to be perfectly coordinated with the music. Where: Brant Hills Community Centre, Nelson Room Address: 2255 Brant Str (between Dundan & Upper Middle) When: on Wednesday,July 29 Time: from 7 Pm ->9 Pm The event is entirely sponsored by Sahaja Yoga Meditation - Ontario.…

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Charlie Chaplin – A Sahaj Declaration about Life on his 70th Birthday

(attributed to) Charlie Chaplin on his 70th birthday: As I Began to Love Myself   As I began to love myself I found that anguish and emotional suffering are only warning signs that I was living against my own truth. Today, I know, this is "AUTHENTICITY".   As I began to love myself I understood how much it can offend somebody as I try to force my desires on this person, even though I knew the time was not right and the person was not ready for it, and even though this person was me. Today I…

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Subtle Key to the Easter Eggs with Lord’s Prayer as Mantra in Aramaic and Swahili (2 MUSIC-VIDEOs)

Please consider this article as a precious Easter Basket that is offering you the Subtle Key to the Easter Eggs' mystery, accompanied by two special versions of Lord's Prayer in Aramaic and Swahili  Aramaic Lord's Prayer O cosmic birther of all radiance and vibration! Soften the ground of our being and carve out a space within us where your presence can abide. Fill us with your creativity so that we may be empowered to bear the fruit of our mission. Let each of our actions bear fruit in accordance with our desire. Endow us with the wisdom…

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