She came to us All

Remembering Shri Mataji, one year later, as She came to us All in VISIONS, DREAMS and REALIZATIONS   On the occasion of the first anniversary of our beloved Mother Shri Mataji's worldly departure, a press release on behalf of Canadian sahaja yoga practitioners was submitted through Market Wire on February 23 at 9AM EST, and it was broadcasted around the world. Reuters, the largest news agency globally picked up our press release and posted it on their website.  It was also posted on MSN, MarketWatch and NewsBlaze under the Title: Observing the Anniversary of H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi's Maha Samadhi.   Shri Mataji left her human…

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Anandita: “Who is my Yoga Teacher?! How Powerful?!” – Miracle testimonial about Shri Mataji on Video!

Traditional Yoga Teacher - Student Relationship with Story shared spontaneously in Burlington and captured on Video - Enjoy! Before listening to Anandita's story (about her great lesson as a child artist and as a sahaja yoga early student), for those of us that are not having a traditional yoga-meditation background it is better to read the following quotes from the founder of sahaja yoga  meditation. Why? Because in the West we have quite a formal relationship between a teacher and a student, it's more an exchange of services: one will pay and the other one will deliver…

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Paula: My family benefits from my Meditation – Part 4

HEALING PROTECTION Now here come the miracles, subtle and many that are still unfolding. I started meditating a few minutes per day and continued the classes. And subtly, I realized that these peaceful moments of thoughtlessness were healing me and a protection had begun to form around me. I noticed that I was becoming a detached witness to my life. The first time I noticed it was in my marriage. During my first year of marriage, I had reacted very much, and taken things very personally. A lot of arguments that were only mole hills, had escalated…

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