The Powers of Virata and Viratangana in Kundalini’s Meta Science

The Powers of Virata and Viratangana in Kundalini's Meta Science Shri Mataji - the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation - holding up the "right Vishuddhi finger" through which the energy is flowing. We will focus on the important role played by America and its connections to the subtle notions of "Virata" and "Viratangana" in the light of Sahaja Yoga Meditation knowledge. You might be delighted to discover such beauty and wisdom in the quotes compiled below for your spiritual benefit, from the Lectures of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. Let's also understand that are real powers stored in…

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From Hospital – Letter about Strong Kundalini & Mantras

Dearest Ioana, I will give you a story -Today I spend the whole day in the hospital with chest pains - they started on Thursday and in the night from Thursday to Friday I was very scared - I woke at 3pm with terrible chest pain, so in the morning I decided to go to the hospital. My friend drove me. They hooked me up to a heart monitor and did many tests. At 1pm they transferred me to an observation room - hooked up to the heart monitor. I was getting bored and decided to meditate.…

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