Meditate on the Beauty of Holi Festival, Holy Relationships and Colours – “We are Collectively Bound”

Let's Meditate on the Beauty of Holi Festival, Holy Relationships and Symbolism of Colours - "We are Collectively Bound" in Sahaja Yoga! The Holi Celebration known as well as The Festival of Colours will start soon - and many of us that practice Sahaja Yoga Meditation enjoy it and participate to it because it is totally "sahaj" in spirit as well in its traditional expression. My family was fortunate enough to take part to such an amazingly joyful and fun celebration in India at an International Yoga Seminar ** my daughter Abi is in the photo with…

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One Million Dollars Joy – for Free in Canadian Malls!

We still get that rush of a pleasant surprise when we discover life in the enclosed, man-made spaces - when we see a beautiful flower or even gardens that truly happen to flourish there. Sahaja Yoga is a system of Nature says its founder, Shri Mataji. And for those that experience the meditation with Sahaja Yoga system, this realization comes naturally:  this type of meditation really brings a natural communication, a  natural feeling of well-being - anywhere it is practised.  Sahaja Yoga expresses itself as a system that carries the (power of) Nature, the Life with it,…

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Canadian Joy Unleashed in Burlington on Colombian Rhythms with Anandita!

On DAY 1 the Canadian Joy was Unleashed in Burlington on the Colombian Rhythms with Anandita Basu Enjoy the following 2 Amazing Videos from the 1st DAY of Anandita Basu's Canadian Tour "When Rhythm becomes Meditation". This great artist brought the Colombian and Indian rhythms to Canada at the invite of the Halton Sahaja Yogis. We called our programs: "Art and Spirituality with Sahaja Yoga Meditation".  Make sure you WATCH both videos until the very end. The 1st video has a nice story: One gentleman was declaring sincerely after the Meditation session that he still does not…

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Consejo Sahaja para el Ascenso Espiritual – Permanece en el Presente

Conocer nuestras Heridas y Repararlas ".. Tenemos que reparar siempre todas nuestras heridas que nos hemos hecho por nuestra necedad, por nuestra lujuria, por nuestra codicia y por tantas falsas identificaciones que llevamos con nosotros. ... Si sabemos cuáles son nuestras debilidades, es mejor; Realmente podemos nadar mejor. Supongamos que en un barco hay un agujero y el agua entra por ese agujero, la atención de toda la tripulación, de todo el personal y el capitán mismo estará puesta en ese agujero por donde entra el agua y en ningún otro lugar. De la misma manera, debemos estar…

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Why Stay in the Present & Advice for Spiritual Ascent, Wounds and Weaknesses

Know our Wounds and Repair them '..we have to repair all the time all our wounds which we have caught ourselves by our foolishness, by our lust,  by our greed and by so many false identifications we carry with ourselves. ...If we know what our weaknesses are, it’s better; we can really swim  across better. Supposing on a ship there is a hole and the water is coming in  through that hole the attention of all the crew, of all t he staff and the captain himself will be on that hole from where the water is…

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