Health Conference with Doctor Andrei SNAP’d in Burlington & Mississauga Magazine! HOW WAS IT?!

Health Conference with Doctor Andrei - Captured by SNAP Mississauga Magazine - February Issue, 2012 Photos captured by the reporter and original article here. Article & Photos issued by SNAP Burlington on Dr. Andrei's Conference at Brant Hills Community Centre -VIDEO SOON! More photos captured by the reporter are shared below. The original article is here. More articles on this amazing One Week  Marathon in Ontario communities with Dr. Andrei on Wellness, Science, Meditation and Yoga will be shared soon with VIDEO -presentation & Music-VIDEO performances of our special guests.  Until then, let's remember what was all…

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(Free Event!) “Experience India” comes to Downtown Oakville @ iGita Yoga Studio on THIS Saturday, AUGUST 13!

Important: only those that have contacted us (by email at [email protected] or calling the studio and inquiring for remaining spots at 905-338-9642) and that had secured a place first will be able to attend this event; Tip: one has to be able to sit on the floor during the event; there are no chairs available - it is a (very beautiful!) yoga studio - so one has to bring his own mat /folded chair; there will be other "core Indian" features to this beautiful event that is part of the "Experience India" series. We have entered already…

Continue Reading(Free Event!) “Experience India” comes to Downtown Oakville @ iGita Yoga Studio on THIS Saturday, AUGUST 13!