Let’s All Sing Together “Auld Lang Syne” with a Cup of Love, Sweetness and Kindness for 2014!

Now, let's take our Cups filled with Love, Sweetness and Kindness and Sing together with Mairi Campbell who is both an accomplished singer and a sister sahaja yogini; feel the beautiful vibrations from this version that does not have great images and any sparkle, but one can feel how our Kundalini energy is responding to it with pure joyful cool breeze. Auld Lan Syne  -Lyrics with Mairi Campbell Don't forget to read the first Sahaj news on 2014 - we are already in Newspaper (!) as well to really enjoy your special felicitation card, in the 2…

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My Dream with the Prophet & A Muslim Seeker’s Journey

My Spiritual Journey leading to Sahaja Yoga Meditation "Last Wednesday we were talking about this seeking of truth within us and our connection with divine and this whole being. My yogini friend Paula (we are both going to free meditation meetings in Halton) had asked me to write down my experience. My dream with the prophet and journey of seeking this knowledge. Just briefly I tell you about my childhood; that from my early age I've been searching the answers of the questions which come in my mind that who we are and what's the main purpose…

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Halton’s Sahaj Christmas Seminar 2010 with Burlington, Milton and Oakville Classes in Photos

We had a great time last Wednesday when we've celebrated Christmas in a "sahaj" way with All our Free Classes of Sahaja Yoga Meditation that are offered in the Halton region: Burlington, Oakville and Milton. This time we did not "advertise" our event, simply because we wanted to be an intimate-cozy family feeling decorating our get-together, an occasion to know each other better and to enjoy each other's cool vibrations and warm hearts. Many came from far away and / or right after work but with generous Christmas hearts so we did enjoy  to give-receive beautiful presents…

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