Breathtaking: Ocean – Singer Nicki Wells (Superb MUSIC VIDEO!!)

"Just like when we put salt in the sea water it gets dissolved in it completely, in this way you should be dissolved in this infinite ocean, and concentration should come in us. This bliss is beyond explanation. A person who has completely submerged himself in the ocean of Sahaja bliss, for him there cannot remain any problem or question left unanswered because this is the ocean of Shiva Tattwa. This is the ocean of tremendous Shakti (power). And this tremendous Shakti is of the love of Lord Shiva, it is of the ocean of Shiva Tattwa…

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VIDEO with LIVE Free Meditation Class: What is Bhavasagara & VOID Mantras & Affirmations & Connections (Sahaj Guru Game with Armaity, Anca, Indu and Norma)

Suggested test-exercise: keep your hands open and up (as for receiving something in your palms) .. towards the screen .. and while watching the following 2 videos, pay attention on what you feel in your hands and in your body. This class was very special - in terms of the intense positive energy. One can also Join in the Meditation while watching the 2nd Video.  The energy in the room was so powerful during the entire class, and one can hear the whispers: " so cool", "amazing vibrations", "it's cool around, specially in this area - the…

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Debbie & Debbie: Experience Prophet Abraham in Sahaj Guru Game

(click below!) VIDEO - Sahaj Humour & Depth on Shri Abraham with Debbie & Debbie Notes: Thanks go to Peter from Burlington for making this video that you all have enjoyed! Also, maybe it's not so clear in the video: Debbie S (from Milton and from the  "higher part of Trinidad") was saying that she wanted for sahaj guru game to have "Socrates" as a subject for her "sahaj research" (= read, introspect, meditate on one of the primordial masters for the VOID area in the chakra ystem) and NOT Abraham .. However she accepted "the disappointment"…

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Feel Your Heart and Listen how it Sings- Youtube Video for Meditation Exercise

Feel Your Heart and Listen how it Sings - A Sahaj Valentine's Day in Burlington Please turn On the speakers and with your hands open, receive the Cool Vibrations, listen and let your Heart Meditate and Sing on this lovely Music . You will feel like joining the Beautifully Meditative Hearts you see in the video.  This can be used as your Sahaj Meditation Experience on-line! (video) Watch Recommended Video to Go deeper Into the HEART Chakra On February 17, 2010 we had this Special Free Event " Feel Your Heart and Listen how it Sings" that was…

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