Sept 21@ 6:30 PM – Burlington FREE Music &Spirituality Event with “Songs for Mother Earth” – Yoann Freget from France and Sahaja Yoga Meditation

Check the List with the first 7 programs with Yoann in Ontario (click): here Below is the Burlington Program with Yoann as Special Guest.

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Joy of Dandia Sticks Dance @ Raksha-Bandhan Event in Burlington

These Photos speak by Themselves - Enjoy The Sahaj Joy @ Special Sahaja Yoga Meditation Class in BurlingtonFirst Photo Album - ONLY with the Dandia momentkudos go to Gladys from Burlington Class that took all the above beautiful photos - one cannot believe that Gladys will be 70 next year!! the photos below were made by another "photographer" from our Halton group. Photo-Album from other moments of this Special Event:

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Friends Festival – Free Event in Hamilton with Sahaja Yoga Meditation: Come & Visit us There THIS Weekend of 6,7 and 8 August!!

Just this past Monday we enjoyed another festival (Joseph Brant Day on Civic Holiday we were at La Salle Park in Burlington) .. with our families and friends .. and with seekers that couldn't believe how profoundly good it feels and how easy it is the spontaneous meditation = sahaja yoga meditation. All those that tried it with us in the park, they made sure that their family members would experience  it as well, they brought their children, parents or friends and some of them returned  to enjoy it "one more time"  that day :-). That was…

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Tales & Truths – Part#1: Emma from Burlington

Enjoy Emma's sharing about How Sahaja Yoga Meditation makes a difference in one's day to day Life. A Big Thank You to Omar and Ricki that had launched this video testimonials project. More will be posted shortly! Emma had started practising Sahaja Yoga Meditation at the class we offer in Burlington, following her mother's successful example. Emma continued practising and studying this form of meditation at other classes across Ontario, wherever she had to relocate or where she was invited to help. Currently she had volunteered as a sahaja yoga meditation instructor for the Hamilton class; she…

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Meditation on our Mountains and Valleys with Romanian Nature

"Throughout the ages there have been many seekers of truth. They often fled to Mountains and Valleys to Meditate and Seek God." Shri Mataji "Because if you want to be in Sahaja Yoga you have to see the two sides: one is the Mountain and the other is the Valley. If you want to climb it, you need to have desire, power. If you don’t have pure desire it will not work. " "It is important, see, even I feel all this standing like a witness to you, silent witness. When I see big, big mountains, I…

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