Simple Prayer Advice for the Root Mooladhara Chakra

Shri Mataji, holding the hand with Shri Ganesha, The Lord of  the Root Chakra "So, it's my prayer and request to you…that if really I have loved you and have given love to you, be Silent within… and Enjoy!! Break all illusions and differences… and the blood of life will start flowing within you… and will fill you with joy, peace and bliss!!" "Today I wanted to talk about Mooladhara, which is a very important subject.  I think I have talked about it many times.  Mooladhara is one of the most delicate and most powerful chakras.  It…

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Day 4 – “Art and Spirituality” Tour in Hamilton @ Staircase Cafe Theatre

When Rhythm Becomes Meditation in Hamilton @ Staircase Theatre This event worked out in a very sahaj way. The organizing team for Anandita's Tour in Canada had found out about this lovely place - The Staircase, in Hamilton - from Liz who was a dear friend and a regular participant to both Burlington and Hamilton sahaja yoga meditation classes. Then, with much enthusiasm from sahaja yoga coordinators of these classes and with the great help coming from The Staircase's manager, we were able on a very dark and rainy evening, to bring Anandita's Light to Hamilton with…

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