Inner Peace and Wellness Class with Sahaja Yoga Meditation @ Outotec Corporation in Burlington (Tuesday, June 30, 2015)

On Tuesday, June 30th we are invited at Outotec Corporation in Burlington to offer a 1 hour "Inner Peace with Sahaja Yoga Meditation" program part of the Wellness Day for Employees, that is scheduled on that day. Our team of volunteers instructors is looking forward to it! We expect to be at least as helpful for this workplace as it was for other companies where our meditation with chakra workshops were offered in the last 10 years of active wellness volunteering in Halton/Niagara/Peel/ Barrie regions. We gathered below few of such examples with stories, photos and even letters…

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(Story * Photos * Appreciation letter) from Meditation in Corporate World (Sahaja Yoga brings Inner Peace @ Boehringer Ingelheim Canada)

Boehringer Ingleheim located in Burlington took us up on our offer to hold free meditation classes for their employees during a health and wellness fair this past April, 2014. Our  team of 8 yogi volunteers (Shulin and two of her friends - all 3 from our Youth De-Stress program; also Stephen that helps at Oakville class with Isabelle from Milton, together with Gratiela, Paula and Ioana from Burlington class) delivered the goods to employees who had signed up to learn how to meditate with guided, Sahaja Yoga meditation. Stephen held the fort at the wellness fair, informing employees about all…

Continue Reading(Story * Photos * Appreciation letter) from Meditation in Corporate World (Sahaja Yoga brings Inner Peace @ Boehringer Ingelheim Canada)