Experiencing India as The Land of God – by Cleopatra David (PhD, Alumni)

Experiencing India as The Land of God The fascination I have for the Indian culture, born out of practicing Sahaja Yoga Meditation, is the reason for writing of a number of works having as topic the various aspects of Indian classical music, including my PhD thesis which had as topic The Influences of Indian Culture and Music in the XXth Century Western Music. I am sharing it with you all that I've experienced India as The Land of God. I landed in India in 2009 after gaining an ICCR scholarship. I was in the last phase of…

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Antonia – My Journey to Living in the Present

For the first time in my life I wasn’t self-conscious. I wasn’t concerned about the future. I was happily enjoying the present as it is. - Antonia Antonia - enjoying the Cool Breeze flowing - Being in the Present I was a seeker from a very young age. I believed there was something more to this life than just conforming to social norms and surviving. I always admired people who accepted life like it is, and thought there was something wrong with me for wanting to experience something more. I felt like an outcast among people for…

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Antonia – ove stvari radi u životu?

Tražitelj sam još od djenjstva. Vjerovala sam da u ovom životu postoji nešto više od udovoljavanja društvenim normama i preživljavanja.- Antonia Antonia - enjoying the Cool Breeze flowing - Being in the Present Uvijek sam se divila ljudima koji su život prihvaćali takvim kakav jest i mislila sam da sa mnom nešto nije u redu jer želim doživje nešto više. Osjećala sam se kao izopćenik među ljudima za koje je sve što su činili imalo smisla, jer sam se često pitala zašto?Zašto moram sve ove stvari radi u životu? Osjela sam ogromnu prazninu i nedostatak svrhe što…

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