The Bee and The Buzzz: Sahaja Yoga Meditation featured at 2017 Halton Eco-Festival as a “Phenomenal Organization” by the Oakville Community Centre for Peace, Ecology and Human Rights

"First you have to make an effort to be balanced. Then you ascend. So one has to know that stage by stage it happens to you and you do not became a hypocrite. But you become real. And reality is shown by its own being. That is how you become. So understand the reality within yourself, face it, solve it. Some people could try to sit at the front or sort of try to show off. But that is not important." "What is important is how much you know yourself, it is Self-Realization. Once you develop that…

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Find out Why Meditation is Mental Silence and Why Meditation Benefits Your Chakras

Find out Why Meditation is Mental Silence Find out Why Meditation Benefits Your Chakras At all our free sahaja yoga meditation classes there is an emphasis on reaching individually and collectively to the state of Thoughtless Awareness and .. on learning to maintain and further strengthen it. Our meditations will become deeper and we will explore the next levels of spiritual awareness; also our innate connection with Mother Earth's energy will be experienced. This article is explaining logically the importance and the benefits of this unique type of 'mental silence'. Enjoy! How Thoughtless Awareness influences the Speed…

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¡¿Por Qué La Meditación Es Silencio Mental? ¿Por Qué La Meditación Beneficia Los Centros Energéticos (chakras) ?!

Meta para 2017 En todas nuestras clases semanales gratuitas de meditación sahaja yoga habrá un énfasis en alcanzar individual y colectivamente el estado de conciencia sin pensamientos y ... en aprender a mantenerlo y fortalecerlo aún más. Nuestras meditaciones serán más profundas y exploraremos los siguientes niveles de conciencia espiritual; También se experimentará nuestra conexión innata con la energía de la Madre Tierra. Este artículo explica lógicamente la importancia y los beneficios de este tipo único de "silencio mental". ¡A Disfrutar! Cómo la Conciencia Sin Pensamientos Influye En La Velocidad y Profundidad de Los Chakras Cita #1…

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Shulin: A High-school Teen that Meditates becomes Burlington Transit Youth Ambassador in 2014 (PHOTOS!)

Shulin is part of the  committee organized by the Burlington Transit that is called 'Burlington Transit Youth Ambassador'. Indeed a great initiative that facilitates for 6 (teens!) ambassadors to do campaigns to promote green transit and environmental awareness in their schools.. and everywhere in Burlington town. We salute this brilliant initiative and we are really joyful to know so well one of the six ambassadors: Shulin who is a great human being already, a very aware, profound and concern citizen of the world.  You might have seen the 'greater than life' posters with these wonderful youngsters riding…

Continue ReadingShulin: A High-school Teen that Meditates becomes Burlington Transit Youth Ambassador in 2014 (PHOTOS!)