Serene Letters and Video Testimonials from Elsie

Enjoy the Serene Letters and Video Testimonials from Elsie about "The Serene Gift of Peace and Meditation for Seniors in our Community" This Article is helping us to know the Seniors in our Community - that practice sahaja yoga meditation. Today it's all about Elsie: Enjoy discovering her! Elsie's Realization (click!) The Gift of Peace that Surpasses All Understanding              *********************** Snippets from Elsie's Letters Thank you dear for your e-mail.  I would be honored to have you post this,  I am slowly going through the rest of the e-mail and have just been reminded not to take…

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Memories about Burlington Labyrinth – community heritage

Let's listen to Elsie's succinct recollection of the Burlington Labyrinth's earliest beginnings. We often go and meditate or have a light sahaja yoga outdoor meditation and workshop in Burlington's Labyrinth. During the summer, weather permitting, some of us enjoy taking the lunch break and meet there, sit on the grass, feel the clearing vibrations of Mother Earth and look to the clear Sky and allow its meditative Blue to absorb all our weary thoughts and in return place an innocent shine in our eyes and peace in mind. Not many know that Elsie was involved with Justine Guliani when…

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