Anandita: “Who is my Yoga Teacher?! How Powerful?!” – Miracle testimonial about Shri Mataji on Video!

Traditional Yoga Teacher - Student Relationship with Story shared spontaneously in Burlington and captured on Video - Enjoy! Before listening to Anandita's story (about her great lesson as a child artist and as a sahaja yoga early student), for those of us that are not having a traditional yoga-meditation background it is better to read the following quotes from the founder of sahaja yoga  meditation. Why? Because in the West we have quite a formal relationship between a teacher and a student, it's more an exchange of services: one will pay and the other one will deliver…

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Day 5 – Anandita in the Heart of Canada – “Art & Spirituality” in Ottawa with Story & Videos!

How was it?! Denyse, Ottawa says when Anandita sang the song 'Jago Kundalini Maa' she literally felt her Kundalini raising with the song! Louise, Ottawa says her experience was out of this world. She felt her whole body was vibrated. She felt Kundalini all over her body dancing in joy! Shivangi is telling us more.. This was for the first time in past 4 years of Sahaja Yoga in Ottawa that a community event was organized by a rather smaller collective in nation's capital. When we started, we really didn't know what to do, how to do…

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