Feel Your Heart and Listen how it Sings- Youtube Video for Meditation Exercise

Feel Your Heart and Listen how it Sings - A Sahaj Valentine's Day in Burlington Please turn On the speakers and with your hands open, receive the Cool Vibrations, listen and let your Heart Meditate and Sing on this lovely Music . You will feel like joining the Beautifully Meditative Hearts you see in the video.  This can be used as your Sahaj Meditation Experience on-line! (video) Watch Recommended Video to Go deeper Into the HEART Chakra On February 17, 2010 we had this Special Free Event " Feel Your Heart and Listen how it Sings" that was…

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Special Event: “Ode to Kundalini Shakti with Bhajans, Meditation and Experiences” – on Wednesday, March 10 @ 7 PM

Celebrate International Women's DayLet's Realize and Recognize our Feminine Power from within! How ?! During a Special Sahaja Yoga Meditation Class dedicated to Kundalini Shakti (Power in Sanskrit) - the subtle energy that unconsciously was associated with Mother Mary - seen as the Mother of God, as a Virgin and as a Protective Queen, all in One.Definitely,the truth in this symbolism (born in the laic expression of Christianity) can be felt during the Sahaj meditation and its workshops. Through this form of meditation, while reciting mantras or expressing an open Heart chakra and  a pure and vibrant…

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February 17 – Invitation to Special Free Event: “Sahaj Valentine Day – Happy Heart Chakra with Meditation, Drums and Healthy Tips”

The Heart is the Centre point of the Creation (Shri Mataji) and hence All Chakras are subservient to it. It is the power-house of the body and from it energy flows to all other points. It is the seat of the Spirit, the ultimate source of all power..." Shri Mataji -founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation   On Wednesday, February 17 , from 7PM till 9 PM We invite Everyone to this Unique Event that combines Art & Spirituality & Medicine for the wellness, balance and joy of our Hearts. Where & When: here and additional info (parking)…

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SNAP Burlington about Sahaja Yoga Meditation Program – Anandita in January 2010 Article

The above article in SNAP Burlington (monthly magazine) represents a sweet echo from the time "When Rhythm Becomes Meditation" - expressed as a Free Special Community Event filled with Music, Dance and Yoga-Meditation - where Anandita Basu was enjoyed by everyone as the Star of the evening. Many thanks to SNAP that had honoured our invitation to the Debut of this Tour in Burlington, with the presence of SNAP's reporter and photographer Christopher Lee - who also wrote the short article presented above. It is beautiful to start the year 2010 with this beautiful memory -and we…

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TODAY! – Free Special Event with 2 Great Performers of Indian Classical Music & Dance – Anandita & Ahilan in Burlington -Wednesday, Dec 2

Where: Sahaja Yoga Meditation - Burlington Class Our Special Guests: Ahilan (Maestro of Tabla ) and  Anandita (Great Singer & Dancer visiting from Colombia) These artists are graciously offering us this Special Event as part of the "Art and Spirituality - When Rhythm becomes Meditation"  Tour in Canada. Both Ahilan and Anandita are practising Sahaja Yoga Meditation, Anandita since she was 7 and Ahilan started practising Sahaja Yoga few years back at our regular free meditation classes in Oakville . What is beautiful and special about our special guests is that they can be in meditation while…

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