Celebrate and Meditate @ Celebrate Barrie Festival on Saturday June 1 in Centennial Park

When: Saturday, June 1, 2019 Where: Centennial Park at Booth#32 @ Celebrate Barrie Festival Enjoy few photos from  the previous years when we participated to this wonderful Festival in Barrie!! There will be Sahaja Yogis instructors coming from Halton and from other parts of the GTA We will have also an impromptu Seminar by the Lake for the Beginners from our Classes.  We enjoy preparing for our gardens - right there!! We take time to Celebrate our "MAY" Yogi Brothers ..  Celebrate just being together and learning from each other in sisterhood  ..  .. or brotherhood ..   Meditate,…

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Subtle Hua Hu Ching – The wise person dines on something more subtle

"The wise person dines on something more subtle" says Lao Tzu  Let's explore the subtleties in this compilation that is drawing connections between the Unknown Teachings of Lao Tzu and the subtle knowledge provided by Sahaja Yoga meditation. Enjoy the pearl quotes from Shri Mataji and the excerpt from Hua Hu Ching. Make sure you "click" also on the various links provided in this article and discover the "subtle things" in the images chosen to adorn the words of wisdom. Let's begin .. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation - Delhi (India), 16…

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The Becoming, The Faith and the Seven States of Awareness

When you start surrendering, and the Faith comes in, then your Awareness rises higher than this. And these small, small, little, little things which have become subtler, they start departing from you. This is the third state where your three Gunas (tendencies specific to the three subtle energy channels: left is Moon channel, right is Solar channel and centre is the evolutionary energy channel)  you can see, but they do not affect you. So in theFirst stateyou haveDesire. In the Second state, which is a very big thing, you see the desire being fulfilled but all these subtleties are…

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Description of the Baptism of the Holy Ghost by Charles Finney – The Breath of God

The Description of the Baptism of the Holy Ghost by Charles G. Finney (1792-1875) has triggered this article and we are sharing it below. Check the vivid way in which he is describing his spiritual experience and observe the subtle connections with following images and quotes of wisdom.  "Indeed it seemed to come in waves and waves of liquid love; for I could not express it in any other way. It seemed like the very breath of God. I can recollect distinctly that it seemed to fan me, like immense wings."     The Description of the…

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Complex Challenges faced by Students and Teachers

Explore the Complex Challenges faced by Students and Teachers (Parents too!) shared in a Mental Health Workshop for School Council These days there are indeed complex challenges faced by students and teachers (parents too!), starting with the mental health that is affecting so many either directly, or indirectly. This is the reason why, our volunteers from Halton Sahaja Yoga Meditation Network became experienced in offering Mental Health Workshops introducing simple and yet effective techniques to calm one's mind, open one's heart, de-stressing and bringing genuine hope in many touched by dark and anxious feelings. Recently, we attended…

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