Let’s explore and celebrate September’s special days such as the Vulture Awareness Day & the Elephant Awareness Day. Prepare to learn & feel special connections with Mother Earth.
Join us in Burlington on Wednesday @ 7pm on September 28th at Brant Hills Community Centre for embarking on a collective journey through September’s special days and connections to Chakras, Meditation and a variety of cultures from around the world. Everyone is welcome!
Recommended Readings * Journeys:
(click!) Lesson from 3 Turkey Vultures sharing Same Branch
(click!) Thanksgiving with Sahaj & Native Indian Prayers -The Wind & The People connected to Kundalini
About Gratefulness for Achieving the State of Collective Enjoyment from Connection
“I know so many names; practically everybody’s name I know, practically everybody’s Kundalini (energy) I know. I also know whose Kundalini is alright and whose is not. I know so many people. So many ask me: ‘How do you know so many names, and how do you remember them?’ You see, I don’t know that part, but it is that whenever I see a person, I see his Kundalini, and from that Kundalini I know who he is. There can be thousands and thousands of Kundalinis, but I know who is who – because I love them.
If you love somebody, then you know what he is. It is not ‘stupid love’, as they call it romance and all that, it’s a very deep feeling when you enter like into the Garden of your Heart and you feel the beautiful fragrance all around when you think of such nice people as there have been as saints ..”
Shri Mataji – founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation (March 21, 1923 – February 23, 2011)