Let’s see how Starbucks added Meditation and Henna on the Menu this Evening

This is our second collaboration with this awesome Starbucks Team for cultivating Seeds of Joy in our Burlington community.
In fact we had so much fun that evening, and besides those that planned to come, we had also spontaneous additions that happened to check for a coffee and stayed for a Sahaja Yoga Meditation session as well for the Henna drawing.
Check below a few photos as well some feedback collected from Starbucks clients and from the personnel as well.
Feedback collected from Starbucks Partners that also joined the event
From Urooj:
The event was wonderful. We spent time really getting into the energies through our meditation, which was wonderful.
I tried my best to be involved, but as I was taking care of the store, I was making sure I informed customers about the after-hours event. I love how Starbucks is a staple in the lives of many of the Burlingtons.
The henna event was great. The volunteers were so sweet, and all the guests were able to get the tattoos they wanted.
It was a wonderful bonding experience.

Ioana (from the SYMN volunteering team):
I remember chatting with Urooj after the meditation session that actually included a brief overview of the subtle energy centers and their mechanism. After the guided meditation session, Urooj shared with me how she likes the most when we get “there, above the head, in that peaceful space where there are no thoughts, and the energy is felt like a fountain“. [something like this]
Also I was impressed with the two girls that entered the store ‘by mistake’. Somehow, I started explaining just for the two of them what we are about to do, as well I really felt to focus on the correspondance of the subtle energies with the body’s nervoys system. I wondered why?! Then, one of them confessed that she is studying medicine. 🙂
Somehow they had a ‘private session’ as my understanding was they were in a rush. I told them about our classes in Burlington and they left.
Soon after, they returned, saying that in fact they do want to partake in our meditation session.
They ended up staying for the henna activity as well, when they’ve shown us their own artistry!
Shivangna from our team collected their spontaneous feedback below:
Feedback collected from some of the Starbucks Customers that joined this event

Maninder (Starbucks customer, originally from Punjab, India):
We just went to Starbucks for coffee but there was an event going on and we joined it.
It was really amazing. I liked that.
Manpreet K. (Starbucks customer, originally from Punjab, India):
I enjoyed the meditation session very much here.
Actually, I did it first time but it was very helpful and made me relaxed.

Feedback received from a Starbucks Partner that also brought her child to the event
From Elisa:
Oh my gosh!
It was absolutely Exactly what I needed.
I have a very stressful life with work and life balance and this meditation led to go to a calm and safe place.
The henna tatoo was amazing too!
Love it and I am enjoying it everyday.
You ladies are so warm and welcoming!
I’ll be going to future events!
Thanks soooooo much!!!

We really enjoyed our 100 Seeds of Joy’s summer events at Starbucks!
We are looking forward to future collaborations and we are glad to see their Customers joining our weekly meditation classes offered free of charge (as always!) at our beloved Orchard Hub in Burlington.
Note: we truly believe in Serendipity that is manifesting in a powerful way in our lives. We offered the event on August 13th. On August 14th is celebrated Pakistan’s Independence Day and on August 15th is the Independence Day of India. We couldn’t help noticing that we had most of the participants to the meditation evening event were of Indian and Pakistani origin, and the henna painting that we happen to include to our workshop, is such a strong feature in both cultures.
Everyone was enjoying each other in the spontaneous bond of oneness provided by meditation.

What’s Next?!
In September our Team will participate to three Festivals in Halton region and we are offering in collaboration with Burlington Libraries another Evening with Live Flute Music and Meditation!
Other than those four events that you can find in our Calendar of Events for September, we are also offering special Programs on two Saturdays in the Month of September!
What can we say?!
Joy must be cultivated Everywhere, especially when the Fall comes, then is much needed! 🙂

Explore this article: (click!) Beauties from an Evening of Flute Music and Meditation
Check the links and Don’t be shy, drop a comment if you want to let us know if you enjoyed this article.:-)
It was an remarkable experience for me in Starbuck,I felt lucky to be part of this session meeting with Urooj was one of the lovely experience of my life,also with her cute sisters,and all of them who enjoyed this meditation and Henna tattoo.Thanks Ioana..
It was such an amazing experience for me.I enjoyed the company of different different people at the same roof of Starbuck ,which turned into meditation and Henna workshop,with the aromatic smell of coffee and the designs of Heena ,the whole session goes well and was flowing with tremendous vibration..
So inspired by the Starbucks Henna and Meditation event with Sahaja Yoga Meditation Network. Above all the clouds were making beautiful patterns in the sky above! Looks like these community events are an absolute hit! Yoga connection can be realized and spread joy in a positive way. It ignites the spark in the eye, joy in the heart and satisfies so much of what we need to make this world a better place, one beautiful person at a time. The adults and kids are having such a good time. The inner peace is palpable. I can feel the good vibes flowing through the photos!
This was my first session where I brought my daughter. And not only I felt cool vibrations but even felt it for daughter. It was a such lovely and relaxing session and then pretty henna design just made our day
I personally would not even think about meditation and henna sessions in Starbucks. I guess this is why we think outside the box and spread the light anywhere and anytime. We carry so much stress and anxiety and meditation is the only way to release all that out of our system. I enjoyed all the pics, everyone looks so happy.
Reading and seeing the pictures is sheer delight
How the light is spread, can be spread, in many places we may not have thought of —wow–Congratulations to the team. Such joy –the spreading of Sahaja Yoga Meditation!! Fantastic!!
Again, another one of your many initiatives to open the hearts and bring together the people, to build a better community! So many ideas, amazing dedication!