Meditation & Live Music @ Oakville Temple on Sunday, May 15

About 5 years back we had our 1st ever program in the beautiful Vaishno Devi Temple in Oakville. It was a great success! This spring, one of our dear friends, Priti (one can meet her at the Milton-Mississauga class!) had the initiative to have another beautiful program with lots of devotional music and meditation. The program will be offered in Gujarati, Hindi and English and many from Halton classes are happy to attend this event, bring their friends and also enjoy how another dear friend -Anjali from Oakville class! – will share her experiences and transformation with Sahaja Yoga meditation.

The Brampton Bhajan (Music)  group is invited to perform, as well Ahilan with his magic Tabla .. and we’ll have Sunil, the volunteer sahaja yoga meditation coordinator from Brampton class to provide the guidance and lead the program. The priests from the temple have provided their gracious help and will announce the program to everyone. Do not miss this special event and the occasion to visit this beautiful place of worship in Oakville! Sahaja Yoga is open to anyone and we already have many friends in our Halton classes that  have joined us from Christian, Muslim, Judaism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Hindu and Zoroastrian backgrounds .. hope I did not miss any other one, if I did please let me know and share it with everyone from out Halton sahaj family!

Hope to see many of you there and meet your friends and family members that are open to such a a Sahaj experience that reveals as well the beauty of the Indian culture!

Snaphoshots from the Meditation, Music and Chakra Workshop program that Sahaja Yoga had offered in Vaishno Devi Temple in April 2006

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