Chakras as Doors of Perception & What is the Most Beautiful Part of our Being? Answers with William Blake and Canajoharie PHOTOS!

"If the Doors of Perception were cleansed Everything would appear to man as it is: Infinite." says William Blake in the quote above.. We say: "The Doors of Perception are Wide Open towards the Infinite @ Halton Sahaja Yoga Meditation Workshops." :-)Definitely the energy centers(chakras) represent doors of perception for us. If they were cleansed, as we do during our sahaj workshops we offer during the Halton Classes or seminars or even during our daily meditation practise, then anyone would have an enhanced perception. Each of these 7 chakras represents a portal towards a well defined and…

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Meditate with Stories on Motherhood and Crown Chakra

Meditate with Stories on Motherhood and Crown Chakra provided by Shri Mataji This article represents a compilation of Shri Mataji's quotes revealing the various connections that exists between the 'principle of Mother' and other aspects of Sahaja Yoga Meditation, such as Kundalini, Self-realization and of course, the Crown Chakra.We hope that you will become fascinated with the 'sahaj world' that we are sharing and you'll enjoy exploring it further! This article represents an opportunity for a meditative lecture with "stories on Motherhood and Crown chakra", so you can learn many new things as well experience a state…

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What is the Gold’s Value when The World is Fragmented ? Seeking in Sahaja Yoga: Subtle versus Gross as Light in Darkness

The Values in a Fragmented World "And it is only possible for people who are of a Subtler Nature to understand the value of Sahaja Yoga, to hold to the Values of Sahaja Yoga, and to retain it in this Fragmented World." "The world is fragmented and everybody is acting towards one's own destruction." "All the values which people follow are gross values. Most of the values are absolutely gross. So, for Sahaja Yoga we have to have people who are trying to justify their Subtleties. Such subtle people have always been a little different from the…

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YOGINI’s Crown Chakra Miracle Story with GURU’s Photo

Jayanthi is sharing her miracle story with SAHASRARA from Shri Mataji's Photo Jayanthi who is a sister yogini from Oakville (Halton region of Canada) sent us her experience with Shri Mataji's photograph. Actually, the focus in her story is on the Sahasrara (crown chakra) of Shri Mataji. Enjoy the letter! "Dear Ioana, thank you all very much for a wonderful puja at our home on Monday, the vibrations were so strong, also i would like to share a beautiful experience i had after you left. After dinner around 7:30pm i felt like going downstairs where we performed…

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Discover Sahasrara the Crown Chakra through Beauty and Subtle Science On Mondays

Let's Discover Sahasrara the Crown Chakra through Beauty and Subtle Science On Mondays In this article we will not just learn about the seventh subtle energy centre known as the Crown Chakra named "Sahasrara" in Sanskrit language. In fact we will discover its beauty and subtle science connected to poetry, the yoga system and even to Mondays! Let's be Kabir's Friend, follow him and Gaze to the Infinite Beauty from the Lotus with 1000 Petals.  "Do not go to the garden of flowers O friend, go not there In your body is the garden of flowers Take…

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Equation with Love, Truth and Miracle Crown Chakra – The Solution is in You and contains Sahaja Yoga’s “Defects” & Responsibilites

"Today, I think for the first time, I have been able to tell something to you which I was hesitating always, that let it be, just now they are still little babies, it's all right..But now, after this, you have to grow.Grow in every way."This article is based on an excerpt from a lecture offered by the founder of Sahaja Yoga, in 1994, on the Mastery/Guru Principle that is placed in the Void area of our subtle system but that is strongly connected to The Crown Chakra . This subtle energy centre we know as Sahasrara chakra,…

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