Learn from Mother Earth to be a Yogi-Meditator!

" If that height is achieved by pure life, by pure thinking, by pure heart, it is not necessary to manipulate anything, no need at all! It’s all natural like the Mother Earth is. Does she manipulate anything? Nothing! Just see how spontaneous she is. You put a seed in the Mother Earth and see how it sprouts. She is so spontaneous, her activity is so spontaneous. We never wonder about it. See different types of flowers, different types of fragrance, different types of shrubs and trees. How She grows with such balance in every place! In…

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To My Mother – To My Children

To my Mother There are landscapes in meThe inner eye could never seeSwamped as it wasWith greed and lust and fear asMud spots on a windshield.All I needed do was yieldMy thoughts and wishes to Her LoveTo be washed clean from rains aboveOf gentle peace and silent joy.How can I sing my thanks at all For the new vistas of my soul,For having sampled, having feltThe inside Love in which I meltAnd which I recognize to beNot a new world, not a new meBut my true nature all the while?I walk in peace along the aisle Of…

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Enjoy Feedback: Indianapolis & Cincinnati about Yoann Freget’s USA “Art & Spirituality” Tour offering Great Music & Free Meditation

Music and Meditation: Yoann Freget in Indiana. EARTH HOUSE CAFÉ, Saturday November 27th, 2010 INDIANAPOLIS - Feedback from Rahul, a young and enthusiastic practitioner of Sahaja Yoga meditation who .... better listen to him directly :-) ..below is his story: "November 27th was the day when Yoann Freget performed in Indianapolis and it was the day when a new chapter of Sahaja Awakening was opened to the Hoosiers. The program was held in café which was build inside a church and had a very artistic and meditative ambience. We had a gathering of 10 local Yogis and…

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Standing on the brink of the Ocean of Humanity – One Answer: Inner Transformation as a Big Revolution

Standing on the brink of the Ocean of Humanity - One Answer: Inner Transformation as a Big Revolution Read the Address from the founder of Sahaja Yoga to the Sahaja Yoga Meditation practitioners in India during an International Christmas Seminar in 1988: A Big Revolution for the Ocean of Humanity "Today we all Sahaja Yogis are standing on the brink of the ocean, ocean of humanity where we have to face the problems of human beings otherwise in the nature there are no problems. They're all already solved. So, one has to understand that it's not just…

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