Burlington Kids experience the Joyfulness of Holi Festival

The BT reporter took this photo and posted in the local media's article about this community event offered by Sahaja Yoga Meditation Network "It was great to meet you all. It was a super fun and colourful event; I enjoyed it." We invite you to Explore this Article that is sharing the Holi Joy experienced in Burlington Photo from Ioana P. (Sahaja Yoga Meditation Network); summer in Ontario Let's learn about the Subtle Significance of the Holi Festival in connection with the Yoga system "The colors are all representing your chakras (subtle energy centres). These are all the…

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Tale with Sunflowers and Subtle Connections

Sunflowers seen in the Royal Botanical Garden in Burlington (Halton, Ontario, Canada) in 2021. Tale with Sunflowers and Subtle Connections to "The Collective Being" This article was inspired by a very special day I spent in Romania earlier this summer. It was completely under the "Sunflower" and "Collectivity" auspices. The night before I could not sleep much, the birds were singing accompanied by a variety of jungle like sounds. It was truly fascinating to experience this in a busy city neighborhood. I even took a video-clip that night to have proof of it! The sunrays arrived and…

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Wisdom in an Ocean of Love and Peace on March 21st

Wisdom in an Ocean of Love and Peace on March 21st - Shri Mataji's Birthday - The First Day of Spring - Inner Peace Message from Sahaja Yoga Meditation Let's explore this short article to absorb its treasures of wisdom and spiritual beauty. Make sure you are not missing the video "Shri Mataji's message of Love and peace" either! Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation Quotes collected from Shri Mataji's speeches offered during her birthday celebrations: (1985-03-17: Birthday Celebration, Melbourne, Australia)   "First remember you are Sahaja Yogis, you are my children, and…

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Greatest Love – Intelligence of All ?!

"Greatest Love Of All"  " If you have Love, you can correct people without saying anything to them because Love is A Supreme Intelligence" Quote from Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (Public Program, 23.03.2002, Delhi, India) (click!) How To Install Love? – Advice from God’s Customer Service with Sahaj FAQ about Divine Computers (click!) The Seven Magnificent YOGI Teams (VIDEO!) – LIVE CREATIVITY  on CHAKRAS (click!) Children Love to Meditate in Halton (Photo-Album: EcoFestival 2012)  (click!) Halton Children say: “I want to meditate!” (Photos & FEEDBACK: Children’s Day in Halton with Sahaja Yoga Meditation) (click!) Friends, Parents…

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