How we Celebrate our Birthdays in Halton-Niagara Family?! The SAHAJ way! (check the PHOTOS)

It was a  Monday, on May 7 and Monday is the week day corresponding to Sahasrara (the crown) chakra. What a better way to enjoy this day other than, celebrate the Birthday of a fellow sahaja yogini?! And by Surprise! Enjoy Ioana's birthday celebrated (by surprise!) on Monday's Milton-Mississauga class as an example of how much pure Love and Joy and Creativity and Generosity and Collectivity is radiating our Halton- Niagara sahaja yoga family. Thank you ALL!! Nari who is so busy with his job and art and family, came to our Milton class and was busy…

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Enjoy Washington DC Mayor’s Proclamation in 2012: “March 21st is Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Day!”

Enjoy Washington DC Mayor's Proclamation from 2012: "March 21st is Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Day!" and More Spiritual Spring News!! Note: this article was posted in 2012 with news from that year :-). Today, on March 21st we are celebrating the Birthday of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation, the worldwide movement of spiritual emancipation that represents the dawn of a new era of collective and global Self Realization, integration and connection. We have collected in this article few recent signs of recognition for Shri Mataji's impact on humanity (from Washington DC)…

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