Yoann in 2 Canadian Newspapers: Burlington Post & VIDEO Collection from Yoann’s Tour

Click on the Photos to Read well the Burlington Post Article that appeared in the Art Section of this Newspaper's Issue from October 6, 2010 Enjoy Story about this Event & Collection of YOANN's Videos from his Canadian Tour Many Thanks to Nikki, the photo reporter from Burlington Post who graciously accepted our Invitation - despite her usual hectic schedule -  to participate that evening, on September 29, in Brant Hills Community Centre to this community event that was offered for free as it was sponsored by Sahaja Yoga Meditation. That was a truly memorable night when…

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Isabelle – I have found Gentle Strength in Halton at Sahaja Yoga Meditation Classes

Isabelle - living the words of Abraham Lincoln (see the beautiful quote she used in her testimonial) ”The greatest force in the universe is also the gentlest one.” Shopping for a calendar for my cousin, I came across the quote above, that I instantly loved. How lucky we are that this is true. Even my mind (which is my greatest obstacle-blockage-enemy) wants this to be true. And what is this greatest force? It is Love. Silent strength. For a long time I was looking for a big sign to show me the way. But I realize that…

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Video of Dogs & Cats with Hearts: Heart Chakra expressed in Animal World + Q & A with Yoga Master on Animals Language & Myths

Love, Care & Responsibility in the Animal realm - pure expression of the Heart Chakra Understanding the Animals Language or A Heart (chakra) to Heart (chakra) Communication ?! Interviewer: Is this Chakra here ( pointing to the Heart energy centre, to its centre aspect) have the ability to understand – animals… the language of animals? Shri Mataji: No, no, no, not language of animals, no, no. That’s not true. This center of chakra is guarded by Jagadamba, the Mother of the Earth, Mother of the Universe is here. But this has got the antibodies, this chakra creates antibodies. Antibodies are…

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Meditation for Pets – Cat Cookie’s Story

Yes Meditation is for Pets! That's what we learn from Cat Cookie's Story Romeo is Kavita's pet. Kavita, as Liz does too, is joining our Burlington Sahaja Yoga Meditation classes. Romeo loves to BE as close as possible to her space where she meditates, especially by Shri Mataji's photo. Evidence attached! This short article is answering the following ardent questions:"Can we meditate with our Pets?!" or "Would my Cat let me meditate?!"As per Liz's letter you might discover that your Cat might Not let you meditate .. alone because she might LOVE to join your meditation. Why…

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