Vision – Experience during Workshop @ Oakville Waterfront Festival

Margaret shared with us the experience that one lady, Donna had during the workshop with sahaja yoga meditation at Waterfront Festival in Oakville 2009 . Enjoy! "Her name was Donna. She came to the booth on Sat June the 27th at the Oakville Waterfront Festival early afternoon. After a brief introduction of Sahaja Yoga which she first thought it was an exercise - she sat comfortably receiving her realization during which she felt an aura of cool breeze around her with vision of Shri Mataji offering her flowers. Amazingly & happily she left the booth with a…

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Enjoy Awesome Foot-soak with Sahaj Report from Oakville Waterfront Festival

Sahaja Yoga Halton had participated for 3 consecutive days to the Oakville Waterfront Festival. We've experienced it all: a bright beautiful evening (on Friday June 26), a supper sunny and hot long day (on Saturday, June 27) and the moody weather: from rainy-dark-wet morning and afternoon to the bright sunny late afternoon (on Sunday, June 28). On Saturday our inner mood was totally tuned to the Bright Sunny weather .. we even needed sun-glasses to face such a glorious Day! But as we also changed team members during these 3 days, with friends coming as far as…

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June 26,27,28 – COME @ Oakville Waterfront Festival -> Great Family Weekend!

Come & Enjoy the Outdoor Meditation & Workshop - Sahaja Yoga Booth #5 in Wellness Area - It's great to remember the wonderful experience of meditating on the Green Sari of Mother Earth, generously spread under our bare feet while the playful sunny-cloudy-starry Sky keeps its immense and calming eye open over us. The feeling of oneness with everything that's surrounding from all directions, Nature's elements from close or afar, getting  cozy and friendly with the warmly comforting Sun's rays while the breezy fingers of the wind help cooling down thoughts and skin alike; the rich mixture…

Continue ReadingJune 26,27,28 – COME @ Oakville Waterfront Festival -> Great Family Weekend!