Baptism Explained as Kundalini Awakening during Liberty Radio Show with Shri Mataji (UK, 1999) – Plus Other Interviews!

This article contains a full-fledged script for One of the many radio interviews of Shri Mataji .. this one is focused on the real Baptism explained as Kundalini Energy's Awakening and represents an inspiring example .. Note: By the End of this Article there is a Collection of Interviews with Shri Mataji   Enjoy the reaction-experience on air of the moderator of the show: Baptism Explained as Kundalini Awakening during an Interview with Shri Mataji at LIBERTY RADIO, U.K. (broadcasted on July 12th, 1999, at 12:00 noon): -MODERATOR: (speaking clearly and enthusiastically) "Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi… recognized world-wide…

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What is the Gold’s Value when The World is Fragmented ? Seeking in Sahaja Yoga: Subtle versus Gross as Light in Darkness

The Values in a Fragmented World "And it is only possible for people who are of a Subtler Nature to understand the value of Sahaja Yoga, to hold to the Values of Sahaja Yoga, and to retain it in this Fragmented World." "The world is fragmented and everybody is acting towards one's own destruction." "All the values which people follow are gross values. Most of the values are absolutely gross. So, for Sahaja Yoga we have to have people who are trying to justify their Subtleties. Such subtle people have always been a little different from the…

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