On Martisor…we Meditate & Explore…

On Sunday, Feb 28, 2021 we are offering an Online Public Program for Mărțișor Join us as we celebrate the coming of spring, with Romanian musical surprises and lots of subtle connections...offered in English and Romanian... and of course we meditate on new beginnings .. this time with Cleopatra and Ioana. Sunday Feb 28 @ 10 am (EST Toronto / New York time) and 5 pm (Romanian time zone) Open to All ZOOM: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83483726699 Join us on Sunday, February 28, 2021 at 10 am for the Online Public Program.

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Mărțișorul Doamnei – Divinul Feminin (program de Ziua Femeii pe Martie 7)

Duminica de 7 martie vă invităm la un program deosebit in anticipatia Zilei Internaționale a Femeii (8 martie). Va fi un program online deschis tuturor! Multe conexiuni for fi dezvăluite, desigur frumuseți culturale românesti (artă, muzică, spiritualitate) dar vom experimenta și meditația spontană bazată pe energia interioară de natură feminină care se exprimă precum o briză răcoroasă regeneratoare. Programul va fi bilingv (in română si engleză) și va "curge" -- la sfârșit culegem impresii și intrebări. In concluzie - oferim cu inimi pure un buchet de experiențe românești și universal spirituale. Haideți să ne bucurăm impreună! Duminică,…

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Spiritual Martisor on March 7 – Celebrate the Divine Feminine for Women’s Day with Romanian Connections

On Sunday, March 7, 2021 we are offering an Online Public Program to honor the International Women's Day as well the Mărțișor Festival by connecting to the Universal Feminine Power Join us as we celebrate the coming of spring, with Romanian art and cultural surprises with profoundly universal connections...offered in English and Romanian... and of course we meditate on new beginnings ("Noi Inceputuri").. When? On Sunday March 7th @ 10 am (EST Toronto / New York time) @ 5 pm (Romanian time zone) ZOOM: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83483726699 Open to All :-)

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Spring with Snowdrops: Martisor Tradition with Subtle Connections to Wordsworth’s Poem

Explore the Romanian Martisor Tradition with Subtle Connections On this snowy day in Canada, let's feel and remember the hidden potential of the coming Spring! The Festival of Martisor is always celebrated on March 1st  in Romania and one can draw many connections to the subtle knowledge offered by Sahaja Yoga Meditation. Just mentioning a few on the spot: March is the month of Mars, the planet that  is associated to 1st Chakra - Mooladhara, called as Root Chakra as well) - and its energy is represented by Shri Ganesha that governs  the Innocence and Purity of…

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