Great Experience Indeed – Experience India Festival!

The weather forecast for Saturday, Aug 22, was pretty clear: clouded and showers pretty much all day, all the time.But we've kindly asked  Mother Nature: please keep downtown Oakville dry, at least from 9Am to 1 PM, if you don't mind specifically the Centennial Plaza hosting the Organic Market Farm. And She listened!Sometimes it's simple like that.This was definitely a great community event and despite the fact that we've started a bit later with our agenda, we've pretty much accomplished our ambitious goals quite smoothly.Please, check out our photos  - see they have also a short description…

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“Una Nube Oculta El Sol y También Lo Hace Ver” – Explicando Lo Irreal En Una Carta De Amor Infinito

Una Nube Oculta El Sol y También Lo Hace Ver Carta de 1975 de Shri Mataji a los yoguis Sahaja, escrita el 5 de mayo, 5 años después de la apertura de Sahasrara Chakra a nivel universal Atención, Maya y Caminando por el Sendero ... En 1975, Shri Mataji (la fundadora de la Meditación Sahaja Yoga) celebró el Día del Sahasrara en Londres con unas veinte o veinticinco personas invitadas. Ese mismo día, envió una carta en maratí a los Sahaja Yogis de la India. A continuación se proporcionan extractos. “Estoy explicando, en esta carta”, escribió, “qué…

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A Cloud hides the Sun and also makes it Seen – Explaining the Unreal in a Letter of Infinite Love

A Cloud hides the Sun and Also Makes it Seen We are sharing with you a letter sent to sahaja yogis in 1975 by Shri Mataji. It was written on May 5th,  precisely 5 years after Shri Mataji experienced the opening of the Crown Sahasrara Chakra at the universal level. Let's pay Attention, realize the Maya (Illusion in Sanskrit) and start walking on the Enlightened Path… Explaining the Unreal in a Letter of Infinite Love Shri Mataji in India In 1975, Shri Mataji - the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation - celebrated Sahasrara Day in London with…

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Gratefulness for State of Collective Enjoyment from Connection – Poem & Dream of Mother with Motherly Answer

Read more about the article Gratefulness for State of Collective Enjoyment from Connection – Poem & Dream of Mother with Motherly Answer

Gratefulness I need thousand hands To count the Blessings on their fingers The Blessings You gave to me A gift to learn to be And that is not enough. I need thousand mouths To thank for all for wonders You filled my heart So gently and incessantly And that is not enough. I need thousand hearts To pray for all the Love You are The Love You shared with me And that is not enough. For all I need surrounds me And it's in me It's You in different forms of the same Reality Which You make…

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Gibran says “Trust the Dreams for in them is hidden The Gate to Eternity”. What do you say?

"Trust the Dreams, for in them is hidden The Gate to Eternity" says Kahlil Gibran I'd love to hear what you feel about this and if we both agree, your experiences as comments will be shared with other friends of our website while they have ideally that pearl-like quality: hide a symbol, open a gate.For example, wonder to Ann's symbolic dream - sahaj experience. Also, check out if the below bites of sahaj "medicine" - knowledge taste as bitter true and real for you; introspecting on the following excerpts might lead to the real explanation behind a generally…

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Face to Face with Carl Gustav Jung about Self-Realization with Kundalini as Tape recoder

Carl Gustav Jung: "The universal principle is even into the smallest particle, which therefore, correspond to the whole". It is a bit sad or even weird, but not many people know about Jung and the crucial role he played. Nowadays everyone (and from everywhere!) knows more about Paris Hilton rather than about those people that really changed the history or influenced it in ways that actually affect everyone (and from everywhere). In Sahaja Yoga there is a consensus about the magnitude of Jung's position that he achieved both on personal level - here we talk about his…

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