Gratefulness for State of Collective Enjoyment from Connection – Poem & Dream of Mother with Motherly Answer


I need thousand hands
To count the Blessings on their fingers
The Blessings You gave to me
A gift to learn to be
And that is not enough.
I need thousand mouths
To thank for all for wonders
You filled my heart
So gently and incessantly
And that is not enough.
I need thousand hearts
To pray for all the Love You are
The Love You shared with me
And that is not enough.
For all I need surrounds me
And it’s in me
It’s You in different forms of the same Reality
Which You make me be.

This is a poem by Dana, a Mathematician friend of mine that lives in Germany and who is practicing the sahaj meditation for quite a while.

Another fruit of such Gratefulness is the dream in which Shri Mataji is perceived as representing the Mother Kundalini – this Feminine maternal power within us.  Ann from our Sahaja Yoga Halton Classes, who is an inspired poet herself had shared with us the following dream the very next day, when it was still fresh and “cool”.


“I was staying overnight at a dear sister’s home and shared her bed (so beautiful, big cozy and peaceful vibrations) and had the most amazing dream of our Gracious Mother, Shri Mataji.

It was like we all as the collective were outside enjoying ourselves in a beautiful Park of soft grass and lovely trees. Mother lay down with her arms stretched out and her legs comfortably lying flat. She beckoned for me and my dear sister (Anja the sister I was staying overnight with) to come and lie down under each arm so that her hand would be level by top of our heads. I was hesitant as I keep motioning to her “me, really me, are you sure it is not someone else as it can’t be me I feel I need to be more pure first”. Mother just kept motioning for me to lie down. My dear sister Anja was already lying down and I hesitantly lied down realizing I was ok, she wanted me to lye down beside her. Just at that moment she was also beckoning for our dear sister Edda to lye down across wise at her feet. Then at that moment I woke up and felt the most beautiful vibrations and got up and went into my sister’s living room which was filled with the most amazing light and energy of the quiet early morning Sun and felt strongly to meditate with this amazing light. Awhile later my dear sister came into the living room and joined me, I told her about the dream and we just sat there holding hands feeling the Love and pure connection of everything.”

How do You Know?! Answer with Gratefulness from Mother’s Garden of Heart

  “I know so many names; practically everybody’s name I know, practically everybody’s Kundalini I know. I also know whose Kundalini is alright and whose is not.

I know so many people. So many ask me: ‘How do you know so many names, and how do you remember them?’ You see, I don’t know that part, but it is that whenever I see a person, I see his Kundalini, and from that Kundalini I know who he is. There can be thousands and thousands of Kundalinis, but I know who is who – because I love them. If you love somebody, then you know what he is. It is not stupid love, as they call it romance and all that, it’s a very deep feeling. When you enter like into the Garden of your Heart and you feel the beautiful fragrance all around when you think of such nice people as there have been as saints, great saviors, and now the Sahaja Yogis, you feel so much grateful that you have achieved that state of Collective Enjoyment.”

(excerpt from Shri Mataji’s speech on her birthday in 2001)

(click!) Shri Mataji’s Amazing Message to Her Children!

& Her Son’s Poem in One Article:

To My MotherTo My Children

Paula’s Sharing: Visiting Socrates & Yogi’s Dream & Motherly Teacher’s Message

World Media & Our Tribute One Year Later: Remembering Her as She came to us All (VISION, DREAMS, REALIZATION)

Eternally ThanksGiving to our Spiritual Mother: Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

You can meet Ann (click!) at our Halton classes.  We’d be glad to hear from you..

This Post Has 13 Comments

  1. Ligia

    We are very thankful for sharing with us the wisdom of the teachings and making it simple and easy to understand. The text excerpts included are so beautiful and an oasis of beauty in the mid of the day.

  2. Carmen

    Thank you for the poem and for the dream and for the picture.

    It is like food to my soul. Thank you for sharing and make your experience my experience.


  3. Debbie

    What a beautiful poem and dream.

    Lots of love always.

  4. Antoinette Wells

    ….this blog is like a fresh fountain of uplifitng joy!

  5. ann

    Such a lovely reminder of Mother’s visit to me. The poem is beautiful and the wisdom of all Mother’s words fills the vibrations right up and out in a quiet peaceful way.

    Love Ann

  6. Mary O'Neill

    Thank you for the lovely poem and pictures from Mary O’Neill

  7. Rabi

    So tender and a moment of bliss …its all an amazing experience touring in this blog….Thank you Ioana for all that is compiled and composed. I find only love and love and love….
    Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to you and family of Halton Collective. May Mother shower Her endless blessings to all Her children…forever and forever…

  8. armaity

    It would be a repeatition of all the comments above but have to record my appreciation of everything ~ a beautiful blog from Ioana on a heartfelt subject , a lovely poem by Dana and Ann’s sharing of her joyous dream.
    Thank you !

  9. Sue Sothis

    Thank you so much for the beautiful article. May our connection with Mother grow deeper daily and may the love we experience with each other grow stronger and stronger that we become ever more beautiful flowers in Mother’s Garden.

  10. Colleen

    What a beautiful dream. I could feel the love.

  11. letitia

    Foarte frumos.Vibratii puternice. Multumesc.

  12. Anjali

    Felt the love of divine in this article. The divine knows each and everyone of us and has a plan for us as long as we dont doubt ourselves and the plan. This trust is so assuring and helps us get through the hard times. The fact that the divine who is above all, loves you, knows you is what we need to always remember. Thank you for this article., the poem and the dream all giving evidence of our connection with the divine. So beautiful

  13. paula

    Open your hands…can you feel the vibrations emitting out of this article? Stay tuned to discover the power you have inside that can be awakened…may the force be with all of you! I am feeling the cool vibrations, such a comforting feeling to know, to be connected through the best yoga method I have ever found. Thank you for this lovely article.

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