A Heart Chakra Experience from Anjali (Sahaj Guru Game 2011)

Let's Enjoy a Heart Chakra Experience from Anjali (Sahaj Guru Game 2011) The "Anahat / Heart Chakra team"-  from Halton's Sahaj Guru Game - comprised the following team mebers: Anjali, Adrian and Debbie. This article is about Anjali's experience. Below you can enjoy the video made by Ahilan. More Videos will come up soon! Let's hear Anjali's  HEART (ANAHAT)'s Sahaj Guru Game Experience (VIDEO)   (click!) WATCH the Nabhi Chakra Team in four SHORT VIDEOS – Experiences from Jon, Jupinder, Sonia and Perviz!

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Discover Morocco’s Spiritual Beauty

Discover Morocco's Spiritual Beauty as revealed in this Meditation Tour's Recollection   Let's go through this Collection of Recollections from the Yogi participants to Morocco Meditation Tour 2010   "It was a great tour with many seekers and with homage to Sidi Idris the first, and grand grand son of Shri Hassan the elder son of Shri Fatima Zarah, who was the daugther of Prophet Mohammed. There were remarcable vibrations in the Mausoleum in the mountain village "Moulay Idris" -see Photos of the Mosque." " Spontaneously, we gave self-realization (=awakend their Kundalini energy) to interested people in…

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