Serene Letters and Video Testimonials from Elsie

Enjoy the Serene Letters and Video Testimonials from Elsie about "The Serene Gift of Peace and Meditation for Seniors in our Community" This Article is helping us to know the Seniors in our Community - that practice sahaja yoga meditation. Today it's all about Elsie: Enjoy discovering her! Elsie's Realization (click!) The Gift of Peace that Surpasses All Understanding              *********************** Snippets from Elsie's Letters Thank you dear for your e-mail.  I would be honored to have you post this,  I am slowly going through the rest of the e-mail and have just been reminded not to take…

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VIDEO & Photos from Hamilton: Yoann’s Gospel Concert @ The Staircase Theatre in Hamilton

VIDEO - Let it Shine!! Gospel Yoann Freget & Omar Davis (guitar) VIDEO - "Hold My Hand, Lord!" Gospel Yoann Freget & Omar Davis Waiting for YOUR Feedback!! :-) Enjoy other Hamilton Programs VIDEO:  The Best Rendition of 'Imagine' by John Lennon with Yoann @ The Staircase Cafe Anandita's SHOW@ The Staircase Yoga Studio "When The Rhythm becomes Meditation" Hamilton's Festival of Friends & Who is the Greatest Friend?!

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Sept 21@ 6:30 PM – Burlington FREE Music &Spirituality Event with “Songs for Mother Earth” – Yoann Freget from France and Sahaja Yoga Meditation

Check the List with the first 7 programs with Yoann in Ontario (click): here Below is the Burlington Program with Yoann as Special Guest.

Continue ReadingSept 21@ 6:30 PM – Burlington FREE Music &Spirituality Event with “Songs for Mother Earth” – Yoann Freget from France and Sahaja Yoga Meditation

Enjoy Photos from Hamilton’s Festival of Friends & Burlington’s Joseph Brant Day Festival

Photo Album from La Salle Park - Aug 2 Civic Holiday in Burlington:  Festival of Joseph Brant DayWe enjoyed a lot that lovely day when so many local sahaja yoga practitioners were "mobilized" to help out, starting with the set-up of our booth /tent early morning by local friends and their families, then continuing with friends that arrived later on also from North York,Mississauga and Brampton, beside the "regular ones" from Burlington, Oakville and Milton. Enjoy also the Nature and The Entertainment so rich, diverse and "first class" always! Special Thanks to Gladys and Abi for saving our special moments in these photos that were shared with you…

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CHECK: Dance & Music TOUR – “When Rhythm becomes Meditation’ with Anandita, Maestro from Colombia

The Tour is Back to Burlington with a Special Guest!! It is Anandita's 1st visit to Canada - intended to be a much needed relaxing vacation. However, her Canadian friends couldn't resist not to share Anandita's amazing treasure of talents with their  communities. Advice: do not miss such special events that offer spiritually up-beat and visually stunning performances. Below there is a List with Public Performances in Canada. Anandita will offer free programs as well in Universities and various other community centres  with access restricted to the residents or association members. Anandita had already 2 Interviews with…

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