VIDEO with LIVE Free Meditation Class: What is Bhavasagara & VOID Mantras & Affirmations & Connections (Sahaj Guru Game with Armaity, Anca, Indu and Norma)

Suggested test-exercise: keep your hands open and up (as for receiving something in your palms) .. towards the screen .. and while watching the following 2 videos, pay attention on what you feel in your hands and in your body. This class was very special - in terms of the intense positive energy. One can also Join in the Meditation while watching the 2nd Video.  The energy in the room was so powerful during the entire class, and one can hear the whispers: " so cool", "amazing vibrations", "it's cool around, specially in this area - the…

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Equation with Love, Truth and Miracle Crown Chakra – The Solution is in You and contains Sahaja Yoga’s “Defects” & Responsibilites

"Today, I think for the first time, I have been able to tell something to you which I was hesitating always, that let it be, just now they are still little babies, it's all right..But now, after this, you have to grow.Grow in every way."This article is based on an excerpt from a lecture offered by the founder of Sahaja Yoga, in 1994, on the Mastery/Guru Principle that is placed in the Void area of our subtle system but that is strongly connected to The Crown Chakra . This subtle energy centre we know as Sahasrara chakra,…

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